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All our confectionery sold in large packs

Here you'll find our full range of sweets sold in large packs, listed in alphabetical order.

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Bonbonrama.com sells all kinds of confectionery and sweets in large packs for professionals. Purchased directly and in large volumes from the biggest European manufacturers (Haribo, Fini, Lutti, Vidal, Hitschler...), our sweets are offered at the lowest prices on the market.

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  • 180 Haribo Bags 120 gr + Bear Display Haribo - 1 -€30.00
    • -€30.00
    Stock Bas

    180 Haribo Bags 120 gr + Bear Display

    €204.00 €174.00

    Package of 180 bags of 100/120g Haribo candy (6 boxes of 30 bags) and a Goldbear counter display with 6 pins FREE ! assortment of the best-known references) and a 79 cm high Goldbear display.

  • 180 Haribo Bags 120 gr + Blue Goldbears Display in wood Haribo - 2 -€50.00
    • -€50.00
    Stock Bas

    180 Haribo Bags 120 gr + Blue Goldbears Display...

    €221.00 €171.00

    Package Haribo 180 bags 120 gr Haribo jelly candy (6 cartons of 30 bags) + Display Counter HARIBO Goldbear Blue 6 pins FREE !

    Package contains :

    Bag of Smurfs 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)
    Bag of Dragibus 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)
    Croco bag 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)
    Tagada Pik Lemonade bag 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 30€)
    Délir Pik bag 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 29€)
    Bag of Happy Life 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)

    FREE: Wooden display stand 6 pins €50 ! (dimensions: W.35.5 x H.50 x D.21.5 cm)
    That's a €50 discount!

    Transport on pallet only

    Last items in stock
  • 20 cm x 25 cm resealable bag


    20 cm x 25 cm resealable confectionery bag. Sold in bulk packets of 100 sachets or in packages of 1000 pcs.

  • 22 cm Candy Tart Stand Divers - 1 -25%
    • -25%
    Stock Bas

    22 cm Candy Tart Stand

    €60.50 €45.38

    Complete kit for making candy cakes

    The box contains: 30 22 cm diameter supports (picks to picks) with food-grade plastic picks + 30 Packs + Assembly instructions

    Unit purchase price for complete support: €1.8

    Please note that this kit does not contain any sweets, thea hoto represents a creative opportunity

    Buy 20 products in the " " categoryJelly sweets", 5 products in the category "Marshmallows & Meringues"and 1 Candy cake stand = 5% off the products concerned*!

    *Excluding products already on sale or with discount


  • 24 Haribo Bins + free 16 tray display Haribo - 1 -€50.00
    • -€50.00
    Stock Bas

    24 Haribo Bins + free 16 tray display

    €242.00 €192.00

    Lot Haribo 24 tubos of Haribo jelly sweets + Free HARIBO Display 16 plastic tubs

    Package contents :

    • 2 x Bin de Maxi Tagada x 210 pcs
    • 2 x tubo de Croco x 210 pcs
    • 2 x Happy Cherry x 105 pcs
    • 2 x Happy Cola tubo x 210 pcs
    • 1 tub of fried eggs x 210 pcs
    • 1 Goldbears tubo x 210 pcs
    • 1 Smurfs tubo x 210 pcs
    • 1 tubo of pik glasses x 150 pcs
    • 2 x tubo de Dragibus soft x 300 pcs
    • 1 tubo de Fraizibus x 300 pcs
    • 2 x tubos de Croco Pik X 210 pcs
    • 1 tubo of Pik Smurfs x 210 pcs
    • 2 x Acide Pik Language Tubes x 105 pcs
    • 2 x tubos de Mao Croqui Fruits x 220 pcs
    • 1 tubo de Flanbolo x 210 pcs
    • 1 Tropifun tubo x 150 pcs

    24 tubs of jelly sweets

    You can consult our Haribo sweets catalogue here

  • 240 Fini 90 gr bags + 6 pin display stand Fini Sanchez Cano - 1 -€20.00
    • -€20.00
    Stock Bas

    240 Fini 90 gr bags + 6 pin display stand

    €184.00 €164.00

    Pack includes 20 cartons of 12 finished bags weighing 75 to 90 grams (depending on references), for a total of 240 bags + a 6-pin metal display stand sold at -50%.

    Fragile product: delivery on pallet obligatory and the order must weigh more than 30 kg to guarantee delivery in good condition.

    This Fini offer is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations, funfairs or any local retailer.

    Dimensions: 29 cm x 35 cm x 78 cm

  • 240 Haribo Bags 120 gr + Free Display Haribo - 1 -€80.00
    • -€80.00
    • Out of Stock

    240 Haribo Bags 120 gr + Free Display

    €307.00 €227.00

    Offer 8 boxes of 120 gr x 30 pcs + Large display on wheels 16 pins of 185,6 cm display offered !

    The package contains : 

    • Bag of Smurfs 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)
    • Bag of Dragibus 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)
    • Bag of Croco 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)
    • Tagada bag 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 28€)
    • Pik Tongue bag 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 29€)
    • Happy Life bag 120g x 30 pcs (retail price: €28)
    • Bag of World Mix 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 29€)
    • Délir Pik bag 120 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 29€)

    FREE :

    • Wooden display 16 pins 80 FREE! (dimensions: W.35.2 x H.185.6 x D.29.1 cm)

    That's a €80 discount!

    Pallet transport only

    Best-before date: June 2024

    Out of Stock
  • 270 Haribo 40g bags + HariBoy display stand Haribo - 1 -€40.00
    • -€40.00
    Stock Bas

    270 Haribo 40g bags + HariBoy display stand

    €161.50 €121.50

    Pack of 270 mini Haribo candy bags and a HARIBOY 9-pin display (25 cm x 31 cm x 71 cm high) to place on a counter.

    Buy 270 bags of 40 or 30 grams of HARIBO candy and this magnificent HARIBOY display is free (value €40)!

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • 3 MAXI Ramzy Colorante Bins x 100 pcs Cerdan Caramelos - 1 -10%
    • -10%
    • Pack
    • Out of Stock

    3 MAXI Ramzy Colorante Bins x 100 pcs

    €42.00 €37.80

    Pack of 3 flavours of MAXI FIZZY RAMZY, the tangy tongue stain lollipop with its chewing gum centre (20 grams per lollipop). And as a bonus, the lollipop colours your tongue!

    The pack contains 3 tubes of 100 large lollipops:

    100 Strawberry lollies (red)

    100 blackberry lollies (violet)

    100 Cola lollies (brown)

    Out of Stock
  • 340 Haribo candy + Blue Goldbears Display in wood Haribo - 3 -€50.00
    • -€50.00
    Stock Bas

    340 Haribo candy + Blue Goldbears Display in wood

    €211.00 €161.00

    Package Haribo 180 bags 40 gr Haribo jelly candies (6 boxes of 30 bags) and 160 Mega Haribo Wheels (4 boxes of 40 mega wheels) + Counter Display HARIBO Goldbear Blue 8 baskets FREE !

    Package contains :

    Bag of Pik Smurfs 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13.5€)
    Bag of Dragibus 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Bag of Hari Croco 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Tagada bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Rainbow Pik bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Bag of Happy Life 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    2 x Mega Wheel Fruit gr x pcs (retail price: 20€)
    2 x Mega Wheel Cola gr x pcs (retail price: 20€)
    FREE : Wooden display for 8 baskets 50 € ! (dimensions: W.35.5 x H.50 x D.21.5 cm)
    50 € discount !

    Transport on pallet only

    Last items in stock
  • 360 Fini 90 gr bags + 14 pin display stand Fini Sanchez Cano - 1 -€41.00
    • -€41.00
    Stock Bas

    360 Fini 90 gr bags + 14 pin display stand

    €298.00 €257.00

    Package comprising 30 cartons of 12 finished bags weighing 75 to 90 grams (depending on references) and a pink metal pin display stand, for a total of 360 bags, generating minimum sales of €360.

    This Fini offer is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations, funfairs or any local retailer.

    Last items in stock
  • 360 Haribo Bags 40 gr + Blue Goldbears Display in wood Haribo - 3 -€50.00
    • -€50.00
    • Out of Stock

    360 Haribo Bags 40 gr + Blue Goldbears Display...

    €212.00 €162.00

    Package Haribo 360 bags 40 gr Haribo jelly candy (12 boxes of 30 bags) + Display Counter HARIBO Goldbear Bleu 12 baskets FREE !

    Package contains :

    Bag of Pik Smurfs 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13.5€)
    Bag of Dragibus 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Bag of Croco Pik 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Tagada bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Rainbow Pik bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Happy Life bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Goldbears bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Bag of Happy Cola 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Smurf bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Miami Pik bag 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    Bag of Super Frite Pik 40 gr x 30 pcs (retail price: 13,5€)
    FREE : Wooden display for 12 baskets 50 € ! (dimensions: W.35.5 x H.50 x D.21.5 cm)
    50 € discount !

    Transport on pallet only

    Out of Stock
  • 3D Juicy Stawberry


    Strawberry-shaped jelly candy with liquid filling, strawberry flavor, individually wrapped. Sold in bulk packaging in a 60 pcs tubo or in a full box of 6 x 60 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • 420 Haribo 40g bags + 90 wheels Haribo - 1 -10%
    • -10%
    Stock Bas

    420 Haribo 40g bags + 90 wheels

    €214.50 €193.05

    Pack 420 Mini Bags + 90 Wheels + FREE Display - Pack of 14 boxes of 30 mini 30/40g Haribo bags (420 bags in total) + 90 Cola and Fruit wheels + FREE 16-tray display stand

    Display dimensions : W.35 X H.186 X D.29 cm

    Delivered on pallet only 

    Last items in stock
  • 48 Trolli 100g Bags + Free Display Stand Trolli - 1 -€14.00
    • -€14.00

    48 Trolli 100g Bags + Free Display Stand

    €50.00 €36.00

    Cardboard counter display sold with 48 x 100-gram bags (4 boxes of 12 bags each) from the manufacturer Trolli.

    The bags are chosen at random and come from opened or damaged cartons. The bags are in perfect condition and the shelf life is at least 12 months.

  • 480 Haribo bags 120 gr + XL Bear Display Haribo - 1 -€180.00
    • -€180.00
    Stock Bas

    480 Haribo bags 120 gr + XL Bear Display

    €600.00 €420.00

    Free display ! Package of 480 100/120g bags of Haribo sweets of different best-selling references (Smurf, Happy Cola Pik, Rainbow, Chamallow, Flambolo, Happy Cola, Happy Life, Dragibus, Hari Croco, Miami Pik, Tagada, Ourson, Rotello, Bananas, Carensac...) and a Giant OURSON display of 16 pins worth 180 €. FREE!

    Last items in stock
  • 68.5 gr Fini cone


    Surprise pouch filled with individually wrapped sweets and confectionery. Net weight per bag: 68.5 grams - Sold in bulk in a box of 30 units.

    Ideal for birthday parties or Halloween

  • 720 Fini 90 g bags + Display stand Fini Sanchez Cano - 1 -€62.50
    • -€62.50
    Stock Bas

    720 Fini 90 g bags + Display stand

    €557.00 €494.50

    Package includes 60 cartons of 12 finished bags weighing 75 to 90 grams (depending on references) and a pink metal pin display stand, for a total of 720 bags.

    This Fini offer is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations, funfairs or any local retailer.

    Last items in stock
  • Acido Gumetro Johny Bee - 1 -15%
    • -15%
    • Out of Stock

    Acido Gumetro

    €6.90 €5.87

    Acido Gumetro - Long chewing gum stick filled with a super mega acid powder - Flavours: strawberry, apple, cola and cherry - Gelatine-free, vegetable stick material - Natural colourings - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 30 units or in a box of 12 x 30 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Acido Gumetro XXL


    Acido Gumetro XXL - Very long chewing gum stick of 41 cm filled with a super mega acid powder the XXL version (70gr) ! - Flavours: strawberry, apple, cola and cherry - Sold in large packs in a box of 24 units or in a box of 8 x 24 pcs.

  • Alien Car + Candy


    Miniature pink, orange and blue alien spaceship with fruit-flavoured dextrose balls inside - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • American Foot & Powder


    Colour the mouth purple!

    Pies, "American Flavour" confectionery in a bag containing a foot-shaped lollipop to be dipped in tangy effervescent powder - VAT reduced to 5.5%.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 40 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 40 pcs.

  • Anaconda XL Vidal


    Maxi Serpent Géant Anaconda (35 gr) gummy candy in large 2 kg bags (approx. 56 pcs) or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

    Also known as: Giant Anaconda Snake

  • Aniseed Flavigny


    Traditional old-fashioned candy with aniseed and a sugar syrup base - 1 kg bag in bulk or in a complete box of 14 x 1 kg

  • Apollo Fizz Lutti


    Sour ring candies. Sold in bulk in 2 kg bags or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Apple Beaten Fini


    Green apple tart jelly candy sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

    Last items in stock
  • Apple Filled Cable Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Apple Filled Cable


    70 cm long smooth apple cable - Also known as "American licorice" - Sold in a box of 100 pcs or in a complete box of 2 x 100 pcs.

    Fragile product: Delivery on pallet. Your order must be at least 30 kg gross (see link for detailed explanation).

    10% extra discount when you buy 10 boxes or cartons (your choice of fragrance) in the range (available here)

  • Apple Fini Golf Ball


    Marshmallow Golf Ball (marshmallow or marshmallow) of Fini, Apple flavour. Sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag (around 130 pcs) or in a full box of 8 x 1 kg.

  • Apple Ring Trolli


    Tart apple-flavoured candy in the shape of a two-tone ring (or disc). Also available in peach flavour.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Apple Sour Filled Cable Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Apple Sour Filled Cable


    70 cm long apple jelly cable - Also known as "American licorice" - Sold in a box of 100 pcs or in a complete box of 2 x 100 pcs.

    Fragile product: Delivery on pallet. Your order must be at least 30 kg gross (see link for detailed explanation).

    10% extra discount when you buy 10 boxes or cartons (your choice of fragrance) in the range (available here)

  • Assorted Fruit Gel Fida Fida Bonelle - 1

    Assorted Fruit Gel Fida


    A 100% vegetable fruit pectin-based jelly candy in the shape and taste of fruit. The texture is similar to that of fruit paste. Vegan and gluten-free certified confectionery. Multi-flavoured. Halal certified - Sold in large packs of 1 kg (333 candies)

    Manufactured by FIDA in Italy.

  • Assorted Nougat Cube


    A confection in the shape of an almond nougat cube. Three mixed flavours: Lemon, strawberry and pistachio.

    A traditional, high-quality confection made in France, ideal for resale by weight or by the piece. Cubic confection measuring approximately 3 cm on each side.

  • Assorted sugared fruits


    Multicoloured fruit-shaped sweets made by Dolciaria, the Italian confectioner. These sugar and dextrose-based sweets range in size from 1 cm (for oranges, melons or apples, for example) to 3.5 cm for bananas or watermelons - sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 3 x 2 kg.

  • B Pop Bubble Teat


    Multicoloured lollipop twisted into the shape of a lip blowing a bubble gum. A cap covers the dummy so it can be eaten in several stages - Sold in large packs in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 12 pcs. Buy 5 products WOM (click here to see the range) and benefit from a 15% discount

    Out of Stock
  • B Pop Mad Lips teat


    Lollipop B Pop Mad Lips - The dummy hidden behind big, luscious, flashy lips - Sold in bulk packaging on a display of 12 dummies or in a complete box of 6 x 12 pcs.


  • B Pop Mega Tower


    The Big Colourful Lollipop Hidden Behind an Original and Fancy Teether - Ideal confectionery for the Halloween period - Sold in bulk packaging x 48 pcs or in a complete box of 2 x 48 pcs

    Out of Stock
  • B Pop Mustacho teat


    The maxi dummy in a funny shape hidden behind a superb hairpiece moustache! Great fun to eat! - Sold in large packs on a display of 24 lollipops or in a complete box of 4 x 24 pcs.

  • B Pop Quack Teat


    The multicoloured twisted lollipop camouflaged behind a Duck's Beak. A cap covers the teat so it can be eaten in several stages - Sold in large packs in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 12 pcs.

    Buy 5 products WOM (click here to see the range) and benefit from a 15% discount

    Original name: B-Pop Quack

  • Baby Shaker Pop


    Strawberry lollipop in the shape of a maracas rattle to dip in small multicoloured marbles (22gr) - sold in bulk in a display of 10 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 10 pcs

  • Baby Sucker Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Baby Sucker


    The teat candy to dip in its effervescent powder - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

  • Baby Unicorn Dipper


    Baby Unicorn Dipper in wholesale packing 12 units display or full carton of 8 displays x 12 pcs

    Out of Stock
  • Chocolate confectionery in bulk packaging Koala Marshmallow Lutti

    Bag Lutti Koala bear Marshmallow 100 Gr


    100g bag of Milk Koala Marshmallow - Coated with Milk Chocolate (30%) - Sold in bulk pack of 12 x 100g bags.

  • Balisto Honey Almond Bar Mars inc - 1
    • New product
    Stock Bas

    Balisto Honey Almond Bar


    Wholemeal chocolate biscuit bar, honey and almond cream, coated with milk chocolate (39%) sold in packs of 2 bars (37 g) in a display of bags

  • Ball Gum Tennis Racket Ilham Sweet - 1

    Ball Gum Tennis Racket


    Tennis Racket lemon and lime chewing gum ball sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

    Long-lasting flavour!

  • Banan's Haribo


    Deliciously melting - Haribo's authentic banana-shaped candy - Sold in 1.5 kg bags or in a complete box of 6 x 1.5 kg.

  • Banana Fini Golf Ball


    Marshmallow Golf Ball (marshmallow or marshmallow) of Fini, banana flavour (yellow) sold in bulk in 1 kg bags or 8 x 1 kg boxes.

  • Banana Halal Jake - 1

    Banana Halal


    Banana-shaped candy, sweetened jelly. Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a full box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Banana Lambada Fini


    Banana Jelly finish sold in large 1 kg bags or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Banana Maxi Meringue 70 g


    Maxi Banana Meringue 70 grams each - The ultimate fairground confection made by Dolciaria Chirico and distributed exclusively by Bonbonrama on the net - Sold in large packs of 40 pcs.

  • Bandos Apple


    Approximately 25 cm long belt-shaped sour jelly candy - Sold in large packs of 150 units in a translucent plastic presentation box or in a complete box of 6 x 150 pcs.

    Former name : Bandos or Strips

  • Bandos Cola


    Sourulated gummy candy in the shape of a belt, approximately 25 cm long. Available in cola, strawberry, apple, raspberry and multicoloured - Distributed in large packs in a translucent plastic presentation box containing 150 pieces (1200 g) or in a complete box of 6 x 150 pieces.

    Former name : Bandos or Strips

  • Bandos Raspberry


    Sourulated gummy candy in the shape of a belt, approximately 25 cm long. Available in cola, strawberry, apple and raspberry - Supplied in large packs in a translucent plastic presentation box of 150 units or in a complete box of 6 x 150 pcs.

    Former name : Bandos or Strips

  • Bandos Strawberry


    Sourulated gummy candy in the shape of a belt, approximately 25 cm long. Available in cola, strawberry, cherry, apple, raspberry and multicoloured - Distributed in large packs in a translucent plastic presentation box containing 150 pcs (1200 gr) or in a complete box of 6 x 150 pcs.

    Former name : Bandos or Strips

  • Bandos x 600 pcs

    €40.80 €38.76

    Batch of belt-shaped sour jelly candies - 25 cm long - Sold in bulk packs of 4 display boxes containing 150 units (for a total of 600 units)

  • Barchette Italgum


    Barchette jelly candy with soft licorice - Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg box and in a complete box of 6 x 3 kg.

    Out of Stock
  • Belt Cola Sour Jake - 1

    Belt Cola Sour


    Belt Sour Cola Jake - Cola-flavoured tart jelly confection sold in bulk packs, in tubs of 200 pcs or in full cartons of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Belt Grapes Acide Jake - 1
    • New product

    Belt Grapes Acide


    Belt Sour Grapes Jake - Raspberry-flavoured tart jelly confection sold in bulk packs, in tubs of 200 pcs or in full cartons of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Belt Raspberry Acide Jake - 1

    Belt Raspberry Acide


    Belt Sour Raspberry Jake - Raspberry-flavoured tart jelly confection sold in bulk packs, in tubs of 200 pcs or in full cartons of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Belt Strawberry Sour Jake - 1

    Belt Strawberry Sour


    Belt Sour Strawberry Jake - Strawberry-flavoured tart jelly confection sold in bulk packs, in tubs of 200 pcs or in full cartons of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Berlingot Small Model Kubli


    The real traditional Berlingot, made from baked sugar. Small size. A traditional confection made in France by Kubli.

    Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Bibi Cola


    60ml liquid drinking candy presented in a small transparent bottle. Cola flavor with collectible stickers!

    Sold in bulk in a 28 pcs display box or in a 6 x 28 pcs carton.

  • Bibi Fruits


    60ml liquid drinking candy presented in a small transparent bottle. Fruits flavor with collectible stickers!

    Sold in bulk in a 28 pcs display box or in a 6 x 28 pcs carton.

  • Big Baby Pop Favourites


    A BIG SUCCESS! The bottle filled with a tangy powder - A benchmark in fun confectionery, for resale individually - Sold in large packs in a presentation box containing 12 pcs or in a complete box of 16 x 12 pcs.

  • Big Baby Pop Mega Sour


    A BIG SUCCESS! A variation on the famous playful confection in the shape of a feeding bottle, but filled with HYPER-tart powder.

    The bottle contains a dummy teat and its reservoir is filled with a powdered sweet.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 12 pcs or in a complete box of 16 x 12 pcs.

  • Big Burger Dip & Lick


    Fruit lollipop in the shape of a hamburger. Individual ingredients stack up like jigsaw puzzles to form the sandwich - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 12 pcs.

  • Big Candy Mix Spray + Powder Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Big Candy Mix Spray + Powder


    2 sweets in 1! The big spray of sour liquid candy and a big tube of sour powdered candy all clip together to form one!

    Set measures 25 cm - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 16 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 16 pcs

  • Big Doggie Hot Dog Wrapped XL


    Individually wrapped Jelly Bean Hot Dog (28g)! Multifruit flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 36 pcs or in a full box of 16 x 36 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Big Fire Spray Johny Bee - 1
    Stock Bas

    Big Fire Spray


    Large fire extinguisher (70 ml) spray filled with a deliciously tangy liquid candy - Sold in bulk in a display of 15 pieces or in a complete box of 8 x 15 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Bin Pack Haribo 21 + 9 Free Haribo - 1 -€79.43
    • -€79.43

    Bin Pack Haribo 21 + 9 Free

    €268.70 €189.27

    Pack of 30 bins of the best Haribo references, including 9 free bins! 21 bins paid + 9 bins free The bins in the pack are selected from a non-exhaustive list of Haribo references!

    That's a discount of 79,43€ !

    Non-contractual photo and description - package contents may vary according to series. Due to their susceptibility to breakage during transport, this lot is shipped on pallets only.

    The pack may contain tins selected by the manufacturer, including Haribo references: Banan's, Tagada, Pooh, Smurf, Smurf Pik, Fraizibus, Dragibus Soft, Dragibus Original, Fried Egg, Super Mini Frite, Chocolate, Miami Pik, Rainbow Pik, Orangina Pik, Hari Croco, Happy Life, Happy Cola, Croco Pik, Carensac, etc.

    Items marked "Free" or "Free" cannot be exchanged, returned or refunded. They are therefore not guaranteed if they arrive broken or damaged (product packaged at the manufacturer's). (see GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS)

  • Biterz Dragonz + Lollipop


    Lollipop strawberry flavour (net weight 10.5 g) bitten by a dragon plastic key ring (5 different models to collect) - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

    Buy 5 products WOM (click here to see the range) and benefit from a 15% discount

  • Biterz Witchez + Lollipop


    Lollipop strawberry flavour (net weight 10.5 g) bitten by a witch plastic key ring (5 different models to collect) - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

    Buy 5 products WOM (click here to see the range) and benefit from a 15% discount

  • Black Dragibus Haribo


    The little Black Dragibus - Perfect for decorating - Available in red, blue and pink - Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Chocolate confectionery in bulk packaging Rocher noir Suchard 35 gr -15%
    • -15%
    Stock Bas

    Black Rocher Suchard 35 gr

    €17.00 €14.45

    The famous dark chocolate rocher (net weight 35 gr) covered in hazelnut chips, with a melting praline heart ! Sold in bulk in a display box of 24 rochers or in a complete box of...

    Last items in stock
  • Blackberry Fini


    Red and black Mulberry jelly (7.5 grams) from Fini, the Spanish confectionery manufacturer - Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Blackberry Licorice Italgum


    Blackberry jelly candy with soft liquorice - Sold in large packs of 3 kg.


    Out of Stock
  • Blue Shark Trolli


    Blue jelly candy in the shape of a shark sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Blue Sour Teat


    The blue teat with raspberry flavour that colours the tongue... blue! Also known as the "blue key".

    Sold in bulk in a complete box of 2 x 1.25 kg

  • Blueberry & Tropical Crockers 45 gr


    Delicious Crunchy Granulated Bonbons in an individual box (45 gr) - Double flavour: blueberry and tropical separate - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 16 boxes

    Out of Stock
  • Bool 3 Fragrances

    €72.00 €64.80

    3 x 3 kg bags of soft chewy balls coated in icing sugar - Traditional confectionery made in France by Verquin

    Other names: Caraneige, Kara Bool, Kys mache, Kysmache, Karaneige

    The package contains :

    • Kara Bool Caramel x 3 kg
    • Cosmic Bool Raspberry x 3 kg
    • Fraisoo Bool Strawberry x 3 kg
  • Bool 5 Fragrances

    €120.00 €102.00

    15 kg (5 x 3 kg) of soft chewy balls coated in icing sugar - Traditional confectionery made in France

    Other names: Caraneige, Kara Bool, Kys Mache, Kysmache, Karaneige

    Last items in stock
  • Bool Citroo Confiserie du Nord - 1
    Stock Bas

    Bool Citroo


    The famous soft lemon flavoured marble-shaped confection coated in a lightly sweetened powder with a tangy, fruity taste - 4 g chewy dough

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg bag or in a complete box of 2 x 3 kg.

  • Bool Citroo BBD 02/25

    €24.00 €19.20

    The famous soft lemon flavoured marble-shaped confection coated in a lightly sweetened powder with a tangy, fruity taste - 4 g chewy dough

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg bag or in a complete box of 2 x 3 kg.

    Best Before Date : February 2025*

  • Bool Cosmic Raspberry


    The famous and inimitable Raspberry flavoured chewy ball candy coated with icing sugar - Original product from Verquin

    Other names: Caraneige, Kara Bool, Kys mache, Kysmache, Karaneige or Cosmic Bool

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg bag or in a complete box of 2 x 3 kg.

  • Bool Fraisoo Strawberry


    The famous and inimitable ball-shaped confection made from strawberry-flavoured chewy dough coated in icing sugar - This bonbon is an original creation by Verquin.

    Other names: Caraneige, Kara Bool, Kys mache, Karaneige, Kysmache

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg bag or in a complete box of 2 x 3 kg.

  • Bool Kara Caramel


    The famous confection in a ball of soft caramel coated with icing sugar

    Other names: Caraneige, Kara Bool, Kys mache, Kysmache, Karaneige

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg bag or in a complete box of 2 x 3 kg.

  • Bool Poom


    The famous marble-shaped soft green apple confection coated in a lightly sweetened powder with a tangy, fruity taste - 4 g chewy dough

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg bag or in a complete box of 2 x 3 kg.

    Last items in stock
  • Boom Spray 50 ml


    Grenade spray filled with delicious, tangy liquid candy

    Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 9 x 12 pcsBuy 10 items from the JOHNY BEE range and get a 10% discount: see the range here

  • Boots Dipper


    Foot lollipop to dip in its boots filled with deliciously tangy candy powder! 3 colours, 3 flavours: Strawberry, Raspberry and Apple Green - Sold in bulk in a display box of 24 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 24 pcs.

  • Bounty 57 g Divers - 2
    Stock Bas

    Bounty 57 g


    The perfect combination of chocolate and coconut! The most exotic of chocolate bars - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 24 bars.

    Last items in stock
  • Bra Underwear Candy


    The bra to crunch! Ideal for grown-up jokes! Contains around 300 sweets... - Sold in bulk in a complete box of 12 boxes

    Available in men's and women's thongs!

    Out of Stock
  • Brain Dipper  - 1
    Funny Candy

    Brain Dipper


    Giant brain-shaped twisted lollipop with bone-shaped stick (arm or leg), to dip in a delicious fruity-tart gel candy - 3 colors, 3 flavors: Raspberry, Strawberry, Apple - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Brain Licker Black


    Liquid candy to roll on the tongue, acid cherry or apple flavour sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 12 pcs.

    View the entire Brain Licker range

    Sold exclusively on Bonbonrama.com

    Out of Stock
  • Brain Licker Blue


    Liquid candy to roll on the tongue, sour cherry, raspberry and cola flavour sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 12 pcs.

    View the entire Brain Licker range

    Sold exclusively on Bonbonrama.com

  • Brain Licker Cotton Candy Sour Fog Freekee - 1

    Brain Licker Cotton Candy Sour Fog


    The cotton candy version of the super-tart Brain Licker candy! A tangy cotton candy with blue raspberry tongue stain sold in 20g jars - sold in bulk packs of 12 jars.

  • Brain Licker Spray


    The spray version of the super sour Brain Licker candy! A super sour spray sold in 60 ml - 3 flavors, 3 colors: pink: strawberry, blue: raspberry, green: apple - Sold in bulk packaging in a display case of 12 sprays or in a complete box of 9 x 12 pcs.

  • Brain Sucker


    Brain Sucker, the monstrously funny brain-shaped lollipop with gum and sour powder in it. Packaged in a bag decorated with a cursed skeleton, Frankenstein's monster or a bloodthirsty vampire - Sold in bulk in a 15-piece display case or in a complete box of 12 x 15 pcs.

  • Bubble Gum Box Football Ilham Sweet - 1 -40%
    • -40%

    Bubble Gum Box Football

    €8.30 €4.98

    Football Chewing Gum wrapped in Tutti Frutti flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 200 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 200 pcs

    Choose 12 boxes OF 200 PCS from the range = 10 paid + 2 free

  • Bubble Gum Box Paintball Ilham Sweet - 1 -40%
    • -40%

    Bubble Gum Box Paintball

    €8.30 €4.98

    Super tangy Tongue Tache Chewing Gum wrapped in Green Apple flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 200 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 200 pcs

    Choose 12 boxes OF 200 PCS from the range = 10 paid + 2 free

  • Bubble Gum Box Power Ball Ilham Sweet - 1 -40%
    • -40%
    Stock Bas

    Bubble Gum Box Power Ball

    €8.30 €4.98

    Orange chewing gum with wrapped acid core in Energy Drink flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 200 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 200 pcs

    Choose 12 boxes OF 200 PCS from the range = 10 paid + 2 free

    Last items in stock
  • Bubble Gum Pencil Patrelle - 1
    Stock Bas

    Bubble Gum Pencil


    Packs of 6 fruit flavoured chewing gums with acid core in pencil shape, sold wholesale in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

  • Bubble Rubblez Brabo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Bubble Rubblez


    The Mega Can filled with chewing gum granules - For better storage and, above all, for SHARING! - Sold in large packs in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Bubble'n Roll Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy
    Stock Bas

    Bubble'n Roll


    Long roll, Chewing Gum tongue painter stored in a practical dispenser case - flavours: strawberry, tutti frutti and raspberry - Sold in bulk packaging in a display box containing 24 pcs or in cardboard boxes of 6 x 24 pcs

    Last items in stock
  • Bubble'n Roll Cola Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Bubble'n Roll Cola


    Long roll, Chewing Gum stored in a practical dispenser case - flavours: cola - Sold in bulk packaging in a display box containing 12 pcs or in cardboard boxes of 12 x 12 pcs 

  • Bubblegum Lollipop Kojak Blackberry


    Vintage blackberry-flavored lollipop with chewing gum heart (15 gr) sold in bulk packaging in a cardboard display of 100 pcs or in a full carton of 5 x 100 pcs.

  • Bubblegum Lollipop Kojak Cherry


    Vintage cherry-flavored lollipop with chewing gum heart (15 gr) sold in bulk packaging in a cardboard display of 100 pcs or in a full carton of 5 x 100 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Bubblegum Lollipop Kojak Cola


    Vintage cola-flavored lollipop with chewing gum heart (15 gr) sold in bulk packaging in a cardboard display of 100 pcs or in a full carton of 5 x 100 pcs.

  • Bubblizz Dooo Lutti


    The sweet Bubblizz ! Lutti's famous Pink and Blue Bottle in a smooth, non-tart version - Bubblegum flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a bag containing 2 kg or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

    Attention, the Bubblizz Doo's composition has changed; this new recipe alters the candy's appearance. The Bubblizz Doo is now transparent compared to the previous stock.

    Out of Stock
  • Bubblizz Original Lutti


    Lutti's famous pink and blue bottle of bubblegum-flavoured gummy candy sold in bulk in 2 kg bags or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

    You can also find all the other confectionery and sweets from the brand LAMY LUTTI

    Out of Stock
  • Burger Jelly Vidal 66 gr


    Smooth strawberry-flavored jelly confection in the shape of a 66-gr burger. Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 66 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 66 pcs.

  • Buster Tangy Candy Patrelle - 1
    Stock Bas

    Buster Tangy Candy


    Fruit flavoured sour confectionery sold in individual bags of 64 gr in total (i.e. 4 boxes of 16 gr) in a display of 12 bags or in a complete box of 2 x 12 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Cactus Spray Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy
    Stock Bas

    Cactus Spray


    The spray candy in the shape of a cactus with a sombrero-shaped cap! Flavor : Strawberry, Raspberry or Apple - Sold in bulk in a display box of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Candy Dextrose Necklace Johny Bee - 1
    Stock Bas

    Candy Dextrose Necklace


    Necklace Candy in dextrose in wholesale packing

    Sold in bulk packaging in a display with 70 pcs or in full carton 6 x 70 pcs

    Buy 10 units of JOHNY BEE product, and get 10 % Discount - Click here to see Johny Bee's candy-toys

  • Candy Dextrose Paw Patrol Bracelet


    Individually wrapped hard sugar (dextrose) candy bracelet (14 gr) featuring Patrouille heroes (Ruben, Stella, Chase, Marcus, Everest) with a dextrose bone. No artificial coloring - Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 48 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 48 pcs.

  • Candy Dextrose Sonic Prime Bracelet


    Individually wrapped hard sugar (dextrose) candy bracelet (14 gr) featuring Sonic Prime heroes (Sonic, Tails, Rouge, Knuckles, Amy Rose) - No artificial coloring - Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 48 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 48 pcs.

  • Candy Drummer Dipper Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Candy Drummer Dipper


    Lollipop Powder Candy Drummer - Flavours : Lemon, Strawberry, Raspberry, Cola and Multifruits - in wholesale packing x 12 pcs or in a full carton of 12 x 12 pcs

  • Candy Family Discovery Pack x 68 pcs Candy Family - 1 -15%
    • -15%
    • Pack
    Stock Bas

    Candy Family Discovery Pack x 68 pcs

    €46.90 €39.87

    Candy Family Fun Candy Pack x 56 pcs, assortment of fun confectionery, big spray and acid powder, dummy with powder, rattle dummy, spray grenade.

    • Powder and Spray XL x 16 pcs - 15 €
    • Glossy Pop Princess x 18 pcs - 9,9 €
    • Baby Shaker Pop x 10 pcs - 10 €
    • Grenade Spray x 12 pcs - 12 €
    • A total of 46.90

    Discover the new Candy Family brand of fun sweets with this discovery pack!

  • Candy Fizz Trio Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy
    Stock Bas

    Candy Fizz Trio


    Candy Fizz Trio, small cans with dextrose candies combining 3 soda flavors: Cola, Orange and Lemon - Sold in bulk in a 24-pc display or in a full 12 x 24-pc box.

  • Candy Fourré Pistache Fida Bonelle - 1

    Candy Fourré Pistache


    Candy dur Rossana with pistachio filling - Caramel shell filled with pistachio cream - The classic bonbon Rossana with a pistachio twist - Sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag (approx. 170 pieces per bag) or in a full box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Candy Gangs Diceman Gum


    Chewing gum with sour candy ball inside in the shape of a playing dice - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 100 dice or in a complete box of 24 x 100 pcs.

  • Candy Gangs Dr Jellini


    Blue or red liquid gel candy in a syringe (10 gr) - 2 colors, 2 flavors: Strawberry and Raspberry - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 20 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 20 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Candy Gangs Eaters Biters


    Multicolored gummy candies sold in a multi-compartment box (80gr) (4 colors) - sold in bulk in a display of 12 boxes or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Candy Gangs Emoji Gummy Sweet Mania - 1
    Stock Bas

    Candy Gangs Emoji Gummy


    Yellow emoji in soft gummy candy filled with yellow apricot liquid! Net weight: 10 gr - Sold in bulk in a presentation box containing 30 pcs or in a full box of 20 x 30 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Candy Gangs Icy Creamer


    Ice lollipop in a rotating cone (15 gr) - 3 colors, 3 flavors: Strawberry, Lemon, Raspberry - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Candy Gangs Mr Burger


    Hamburger with marshmallow bun and tomato salad in jelly, individually wrapped (20 gr) - sold in bulk in a display of 24 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 24 pcs

  • Candy Gangs Potter Piter


    Lollipop to dip in toilet-shaped powder (20 gr) - 4 colors, 4 flavors: Strawberry, Orange, Raspberry and Apple - Sold in bulk in a display of 24 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 24 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Candy Gangs Strong Berry


    Red lollipop in the shape and taste of a strawberry to dip in small multicolored sugar balls (7 gr) - Sold in bulk in a display of 30 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 30 pcs

  • Candy Gangs Watermilton XL


    Chewing gum with a watermelon-shaped liquid core, individually wrapped (12 gr) - sold in bulk packaging in a tubo of 30 pcs or in a full box of 20 x 30 pcs.

  • Candy Noodle Cup


    Tutti-frutti flavour candy mix, soft noodle-shaped candy with dextrose candy chopsticks, popping candy, tutti frutti flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 4 x 12 pcs.

  • Candy Pop Corn M&M's Mini 28 gr


    Candy Pop Popcorn M&m's Minis, 28g bag of Popcorn coated in chocolate and encrusted with M&M's minis sold in bulk in a pack of 64 bags!

    Additional transport costs of €7 for bulky parcels

    Enjoy 10% off on your selection!
    Buy 4 Candy Pop references (same or mixed) and get 10% off on the whole order.

  • Candy Pop Corn Oreo 28 gr


    Candy Pop Popcorn Oréo, 28g bag of Popcorn coated with chocolate Oréo biscuit chips sold in bulk in a pack of 64 bags

    Additional transport costs of €7 for bulky parcels

    Enjoy 10% off on your selection!
    Buy 4 Candy Pop references (same or mixed) and get 10% off on the whole order.

  • Candy Pop Corn Twix 28 gr


    Candy Pop Popcorn Twix, 28g bag of Popcorn coated with caramel, chocolate and Twix bar chips, sold in bulk packs of 64 bags.

    Additional transport costs of €7 for bulky parcels

    Enjoy 10% off on your selection!
    Buy 4 Candy Pop references (same or mixed) and get 10% off on the whole order.

  • Candy Pop Popcorn Snickers 28 gr


    Candy Pop Popcorn Snickers, 28g bag of Popcorn coated with caramel, peanut and chocolate chips and the famous Snicker bar chips, sold in bulk packs of 64 bags.

    Additional transport costs of €7 for bulky parcels

    Enjoy 10% off on your selection!
    Buy 4 Candy Pop references (same or mixed) and get 10% off on the whole order.

  • Candy Shots


    Soda can containing a liquid candy (90 g) - 3 flavours: Cola, Strawberry, Apple - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Candy Tickets


    Vanilla-flavoured unleavened paper euro banknotes made from potato starch sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 400 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 40 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Candy Vegan Fruits des Bois Fida

    Candy Vegan Forest Fruits Fida


    Mix of soft jelly sweets with wild berries (blackberry, redcurrant, blueberry and raspberry), 100% Plant Wrapped sold in bulk packaging, in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

    Certified Vegan, Artificial Dye Free, Gluten Free

  • Candy Vegan Fruit Mix Fida (8g)

    Candy Vegan Fruit Mix Fida (8g)


    Mixture of soft gelled fruit candies (Orange, Lemon, Strawberry and Cherry) (8g each), 100% Vegan wrapped sold in bulk packaging, in a 1 kg bag (approx. 125 pcs) or in a full box of 6 x 1 kg.

    Certified Vegan, Artificial Dye Free, Gluten Free

  • Candy Vegan Fruit Mix Fida Petit (4g) Fida Bonelle - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Candy Vegan Fruit Mix Fida Petit (4g)


    Bonelle candy in small format - Mixture of soft gelled fruit candies (Orange, Lemon, Strawberry and Cherry) (4g each), 100% Vegan wrapped sold in large packaging, in a 1 kg bag (approx. 235 pcs) or in a full box of 6 x 1 kg.

    Certified Vegan, Artificial Dye Free, Gluten Free

    Out of Stock
  • Fida Vegan Licorice Candy

    Candy Vegan Licorice Fida


    Mélange de Candy Gélifié tendre à la Réglisse, 100% Végétal enveloppé sold in bulk packaging, in a 1 kg bag or in a full box of 6 x 1 kg.

    Certified Vegan, Artificial Dye Free, Gluten Free

  • Car candy cake holder Divers - 1
    Stock Bas

    Car candy cake holder


    Complete car cake stand to make beautiful candy cakes ready to sell.

    Box contains: 30 Car Stands + 30 Packs + Assembly instructions

    Please note that this kit does not contain any sweets

    Buy 20 products in the " " categoryJelly sweets", 5 products in the category "Marshmallows & Meringues"and 1 Candy cake stand = 5% off the products concerned*!

    *Excluding products already on sale or with discount

    Last items in stock
  • Pack Carambar et Bonbonnière -€20.00
    • -€20.00
    • Pack

    Carambar & Co Bonbon Pack + Free Candy Box

    €107.80 €87.80

    Pack of Chewing Gum, Hard Candies, Chocolate and Carambar from Carambar & Co + Free Carambar Glass candy jar

    This pack contains:

    2kg x Regal'ad Krema
    1kg x Michoko Choco Noir
    1kg x Arlequin
    1kg x Mini Carambar Caramel
    1kg x Mini Carambar Fruits
    200 pcs x Malabar Strawberry
    200 pcs x Malabar Tutti Frutti
    + 2L Glass Candy Jar Carambar Free !

    Last items in stock
  • Carambar Atomic


    Le Carambar a new version that packs a punch! Sweet on the outside, explosive on the inside, it's an explosive cocktail for the taste buds. Totally crazy, explosive flavours!

    Purchase of 6 boxes (full carton) = 10% discount

  • Carambar Caramel


    A new display for the famous caramel-wrapped confection with its famous joke - available in large packs of 180 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 180 pcs.

    Free Caramala 8-bubble display for the purchase of 4 tins of Malabar + 4 tins of Carambar (see here)

  • Carambar Caranougat Carambar - 1

    Carambar Caranougat


    The Nougat and Caramel version of the famous wrapped confection and its famous joke - A benchmark in the world of sweets with a unique Nougat paste recipe

  • Carambar Cola


    Le Carambar in Cola flavour! A sure bet for those addicted to the legendary drink! - Sold in bulk in a box of 180 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 180 pcs.

    Free Caramala 8-bubble display for the purchase of 4 tins of Malabar + 4 tins of Carambar (see here)

  • Carambar Cotton Candy


    The Cotton Candy version of the famous wrapped candy bar with its famous joke - Sold in bulk in a box of 180 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 180 pcs.

    Free 8-bubble Caramala display with the purchase of 4 tins of Malabar + 4 tins of Carambar (see here)

  • Carambar Fruits


    The fruity version of the famous wrapped candy bar - The Fruit Carambar is a benchmark among all Carambar variations. Assorted flavours: raspberry, strawberry, lemon - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 180 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 180 pcs.

    Display Caramala 8 free bubbles for the purchase of 4 tins of Malabar + 4 tins of Carambar (see here)


  • Caramel Chocolate Palet


    Dupont d'Isigny - The famous chocolate caramel confectionery in individually wrapped pallets - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 200 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 200 pcs

  • Caramel Hazelnut Palet


    The famous hazelnut caramel puck - Individually wrapped confectionery - Sold in bulk in a box of 200 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 200 pcs

  • copy of  Caramel Hazelnut Palet Divers - 1 -10%
    • -10%
    • New product

    Caramel Hazelnut Palet BBD 04/25

    €28.40 €25.56

    The famous hazelnut caramel puck - Individually wrapped confectionery - Sold in bulk in a box of 200 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 200 pcs

    Best Before Date : April 2025*

  • Caramel Lollipop Pierrot Gourmand


    Caramel and fresh milk lollipop - Individually wrapped - Refill for the porcelain bust or Pierrot Gourmand presentation box - Sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 100 loose lollipops or in a complete box of 7 x 100 pcs.

    Also known as Pégé flat lollipop

  • Caramel Milk Fida Bonelle - 1

    Caramel Milk


    Bonelle candy, soft and filled with milk Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag (around 170 pieces per bag) or in a full box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Caramel Pop Corn 100 gr


    Caramelised Pop Corn in a 100g jar sold in bulk in a pack of 12 jars - Re-sealable jar, which makes it much easier to resell by the piece and its very practical jar for the consumer.

  • Caramel Vanilla Palet


    Dupont d'Isigny - The famous vanilla caramel puck - Individually wrapped confectionery - Sold in bulk in a box of 200 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 200 pcs

  • Carensac Haribo


    The famous little coloured dragée with liquorice. An exclusive Haribo product sold in large packs of 2 kg bags or complete boxes of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Caretos Strawberry Fini

    €13.30 €10.64

    Fini's famous heart-shaped lollipop, Strawberry flavour. Individually wrapped in a bag - Sold in bulk in a display case of 170 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 170 pcs.

  • Cémoi Marshmallow Bear Cémoi - 1

    Cémoi Marshmallow Bear


    The authentic Little Bear Cémoi Made of Marshmallow - Coated with Milk Chocolate (30%) - Individually wrapped Contains 1.016 kg or approximately 80 pieces

    Sold in bulk packaging in a tubo containing 80 pcs or in a complete box 4 x 80 pcs

  • Cémoi Marshmallow Hedgehog Crick


    The Chocolate Hedgehog from CEMOI ! The chocolate ball, covered in cereal and filled with Marshmallow and Caramel

    Marketing of this confectionery may be suspended during the summer period due to its poor resistance to high temperatures.

  • Chef Burger + Powder


    Red twisted lollipop (12 gr) to dip in fruit flavoured powder in the shape of a stacking hamburger - Taste: strawberry, green apple, raspberry - sold in bulk in a display of 12 pcs or in a box of 8 x 12 pcs

  • Cherry Cola Fizz Lutti


    Bottle of Cherry Cola sour jelly candy made by Lutti - Cherry Cola flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a 3 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 3 kg.

    You can also find all the other confectionery and sweets from the brand LAMY LUTTI

  • Cherry Heart Lollipop Piruletas


    The famous Cherry Heart lollipop (13 gr) - Sold in bulk packaging in a display case of 80 pcs or in a complete box of 4 x 80 pcs.

  • Cherry Jumbo Vidal


    Grosse Cerise XL smooth jelly candy 1 kg - Sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Cherry Pik Haribo


    Tart PIK version of the two-tone cherry jelly - A great classic jelly revisited and updated in a large 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Cherry Tubble Gum


    A variation on the famous tube of cherry-flavoured paste chewing gum - Sold in bulk packaging in a display case of 36 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 36 pcs.

  • Choco Money Pirate Safe Fizzy - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Choco Money Pirate Safe


    Fillet of milk chocolate coins (approx. 8 coins per fillet) sold in bulk in a pirate's chest display case.

    Out of Stock
  • Chocolate Coin

    Chocolate Coin


    HAMLET - Milk chocolate coins of 1€, 2€ and 50 cts coated with a golden shell - 3 different sizes - approximately 250 coins - Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg tubo or in a complete box of 12 tubos.

  • Chocolate dragee Hamlet - 1

    Chocolate dragee


    Hamlet's little chocolate-coloured dragee (or lentil) in a large 10 kg box. This confection is identical to the famous Smarties, but with a better taste. Gluten-free. 5.5% VAT

    This product is intended for resale by weight, for candy bars or for decorating candy cakes.

  • Christmas cone bag 180 mm x 370 mm


    Pack of 250 large translucent plastic confectionery bags with Christmas trees - Perfect for displaying and marketing bulk-bought sweets - Sold in bulk packs of 250 pcs or in full cartons of 4 x 250 pcs.

    Capacity: 30 cl - Size: 180 mm x 370 mm

  • Christmas cone bag 200 mm x 450 mm


    Pack of 250 large translucent plastic confectionery bags with Christmas trees - Perfect for displaying and marketing bulk-bought sweets - Sold in bulk packs of 250 pcs or in full cartons of 4 x 250 pcs.

    Capacity: 60 ml - Size: 200 mm x 450 mm

  • Christmas cone bag 200 mm x 450 mm


    Pack of 100 large translucent plastic confectionery bags with Christmas trees - Perfect for displaying and marketing bulk-bought sweets - Sold in bulk packs of 100 pcs 

    Size: 20 cm x 45 cm

  • Christmas Multicolor Candy Cane 14 gr

    €13.00 €10.40

    The multicolored rainbow version of the Christmas candy cane! The candy cane (14 grams and 12 cm high) individually wrapped - Multi-flavored - Sold in bulk packaging in a bin containing 72 pcs or in a full carton of 6 x 72 pcs.

    Best Before Date : January 2026*

  • Christmas Red Candy Cane 14 gr

    €13.00 €10.40

    Antique confectionery sold in bulk in a translucent tubo containing 72 hard candy canes, striped in red and white and individually wrapped.

    Other names: sucres d'orge, cane en sucre

    Best Before Date : January 2026*

  • Christmas Surprise Popz Brabo - 1 -15%
    • -15%
    Funny Candy

    Christmas Surprise Popz

    €16.00 €13.60

    Christmas lollipop in Father Christmas head display - Press the push button on the lollipop to release the lollipop - Sold in bulk in a display of 16 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 16 pcs.

  • Christmas Time Brabo - 1 -15%
    • -15%
    Funny Candy

    Christmas Time

    €12.00 €10.20

    Christmas hourglass lollipops with cascade of small candies - Sold in bulk packaging in a display case of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

  • Chupa Chups Best Of

    €18.00 €16.20

    The famous classic Chupa Chups lollipop in a big bag - The Best Of bag contains lollipops in mixed flavours: Cola, Strawberry Cream, Strawberry, Cherry, Vanilla, Orange.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 120 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 120 pcs

    Unperforated cardboard stick

  • Chupa Chups Best Of Bulk

    €159.90 €143.91

    The famous classic Chupa Chups Best Of lollipop in bulk in a big box containing 1,200 lollipops - mixed flavours: Apple, cherry, orange and raspberry with vanilla

    Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 1200 pcs.

    Unperforated cardboard stick

  • Chupa Chups Bunch x 14
    Stock Bas

    Chupa Chups Bouquet


    Chupa Chups lollipops in a Coloured Bouquet - Flavours: Strawberry, Orange, Apple, Cherry, Watermelon and Lemon - Sold in bulk in a complete box containing 6 bouquets of 19 lollipops (total 114 pcs) + a counter display stand

    Last items in stock
  • Chupa Chups Cola Chupa Chups - 2
    Stock Bas

    Chupa Chups Cola


    Chupa Chups Cola lollipop in 150-piece tubo - Cola and Cola-Lemon lollipop mix.

    Sold in bulk packs of 150 pcs in a tubo or in full cartons of 6 x 150 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Chupa Chups Fruit


    Chupa Chups fruit lollipop in 150-piece display - Assorted flavours: strawberry, apple, cherry and orange.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 150 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 150 pcs

  • Chupa Chups Lollipop Melody Pops


    Chupa Chups Melody Pops lollipop with whistle. Strawberry-flavoured lollipop - sold in bulk in a display box containing 48 lollipops or in a complete box of 6 x 48 pcs.

  • Chupa Chups Strawberry Love


    Strawberry Chupa Chups lollipop in a display of 150 pieces - Mix of Strawberry, Sour Strawberry and Strawberry lollipops and cream

    Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 150 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 150 pcs

    Out of Stock
  • Chupa Chups The Best Of


    Display of 100 individually wrapped Chupa Chups lollipops - Assorted flavors: cola, strawberry milk, cherry, watermelon, orange and strawberry.

    Sold in big packaging with a display of 100 pcs

    Out of Stock
  • Chupa Chups Wheel Display


    Carousel display of 200 individually wrapped Chupa Chups lollipops - Assorted flavors: strawberry, apple, cherry, cola...

    Sold in big packaging with a display of 200 pcs

  • Chupa Chups XXL Bubblegum


    The Chupa Chups soother in XXL version (29 grams) and 2 in 1 - A chewing gum is hidden in the middle!

    Flavors: Cola, Apple, Strawberry with bubble gum strawberry flavor.

    Sold in bulk in a cardboard display of 60 pcs or in a full cardboard box of 6 x 60 pcs.

  • Churritos Acid Rainbow Jake - 1

    Churritos Acid Rainbow


    Churritos, Acid-sweet tubes, approx. 11 cm long, filled with delicious flavored paste, taste: strawberry, orange, blackberry and lemon. Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 200 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Churritos Rainbow  Smooth Jake - 1

    Churritos Rainbow Smooth


    Churritos, smooth tubes approx. 11 cm long, filled with delicious flavored dough, taste: strawberry, orange, blackberry and lemon. Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 200 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Cleaning Robot Johny Bee - 1
    Stock Bas

    Cleaning Robot


    Broom-shaped lollipops to dip into a food processor filled with delicious tangy candy powder x 12 pcs

    Sold in bulk packaging in a display with 12 pcs or in full carton 8 x 12 pcs

    Buy 10 units of JOHNY BEE product, and get 10 % Discount - Click here to see Johny Bee's candy-toys

    Last items in stock
  • Clear Mint


    The authentic mint-flavoured wrapped candy from La Pie qui Chante - Sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 8 x 1 kg.


  • Coco ball Patrelle - 1
    Stock Bas

    Coco ball


    A classic! The meringue ball covered in coconut shimmer, individually wrapped - sold in bulk in a 1kg bag

    SHELF LIFE 6 months minimum

  • Coco Pink Golf Ball 750 gr


    White marshmallow ball covered with grated coconut - Sold in bulk in a package of 4 bags of 750 gr (3 kg).

  • Coco White Golf Ball 750 gr


    White marshmallow ball covered with grated coconut - Sold in bulk in a package of 4 bags of 750 gr (3 kg).

  • Cocobat Haribo


    The famous Haribo liquorice candy filled with almond paste - Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 150 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 150 pcs.

    Length: 6.5 cm

  • Cola Bottle Sour Halal Jake - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Cola Bottle Sour Halal


    Coke-bottle-shaped candies, sweetened jelly - Sold in bulk packaging in 1kg bags or in full boxes of 12 x 1kg.

    Out of Stock
  • Cola Bottle Sweet Halal Jake - 1

    Cola Bottle Sweet Halal


    Tart jelly sweets in the shape of a Coke bottle. Sold in bulk packaging in a 1kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1kg.

  • Cola Filled Cable Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Cola Filled Cable


    70 cm long Coca-Cola smooth gummy cable - Also known as "American Licorice" - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 100 pcs or in a complete box of 2 x 100 pcs.

    Fragile product: Delivery on pallet. Your order must be at least 30 kg gross (see link for detailed explanation).

    10% extra discount when you buy 10 boxes or cartons (your choice of fragrance) in the range (available here)

  • Cola Heart Mini Lollipop


    Cola version of the mini Heart Lollipop (6 g) - Also available in Blue Tongue Stain version

    Sold in bulk packaging in a display box of 200 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 200 pcs

  • Cola Trolli bottle


    Trolli Jelly Cola Bottle - Flavour: Coca Cola - Sold in bulk in a bag containing 1 kg

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a full box of 8 x 1 kg.

  • Cola wheel Haribo


    Cola-flavoured soft sweets in rolls of 10. Also available in a Fruit version - Sold in large packs in tubes of 45 pcs or in full cartons of 8 x 45 pcs.


  • Colabizz Lutti


    The bottle of sour jelly made by Lutti. This sweet is a great classic of bulk confectionery.

    Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

    You can also find all the other confectionery and sweets from the brand LAMY LUTTI

  • Colori Pop


    Individually wrapped watermelon, cola and cherry mini lollipop.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a tube of 100 lollipops or in a complete box of 6 x 100 pcs.

  • Construction Puzzle Toy + Candy Brabo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Construction Puzzle Toy + Candy

    Last items in stock
  • Cool Ice Candy Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Cool Ice Candy


    Container shaped like an Italian ice cream, when you remove the cherry stopper and turn the base, a delicious fruity liquid candy comes out of the ice - sold in bulk in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Crazy Hands Halal Jake - 1
    Stock Bas

    Crazy Hands Halal


    Delicious candy in the shape of coloured hand signs in smooth aerated jelly - Strawberry, tropical, lemon, raspberry and orange flavours - Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Crazy Roll Gum Stand


    Roll of Chewing Gum in dispenser in 4 colours and 4 flavours: Strawberry, Raspberry, Apple and Cola - Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 36 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 36 pcs.

  • Creepy Jelly Vidal Vidal - 1
    Stock Bas

    Creepy Jelly Vidal


    Large gummy insect, individually blister-packed in card format (9 cm x 6.5 cm) - Sold in large packs in a display of 66 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 66 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Crockers Rainbow 145 gr


    Delicious Crunchy Granulated Candies in an individual box (145 gr) - Multi-flavoured: grape, strawberry, blueberry, tropical, apple, lemon - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 12 boxes.

    Out of Stock
  • Croco PIK Haribo


    PIK version of the famous Haribo Crocodile in a multicoloured jelly - A classic jelly revisited and updated - Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Croco PIK Haribo Haribo - 1 -10%
    • -10%
    Stock Bas

    Croco PIK Haribo

    €7.70 €6.93

    PIK version of the famous Haribo Crocodile in a multicolored jelly candy - A great classic jelly candy revisited and updated - Sold in bulk in a bin of 210 pcs

  • Crocodile Haribo


    The famous Haribo Crocodile in multicoloured jelly - Hari Croco, a classic jelly in a big 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Crocodile Haribo

    €8.80 €7.92

    The famous Haribo Crocodile in multicolored jelly candy - Hari Croco, a great classic of jelly candy in bin of 210 pcs

  • Cupcake Candy Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Cupcake Candy


    Lollipop dipped in sour powder in a CupCake-shaped container - 3 flavours: Strawberry, Cherry & Raspberry - Sold in large packs in a presentation box containing 12 pieces (40 g/unit) or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Ourson Chocolat Noir Lutti 2,5 kg

    Dark Chocolate Marshmallow Bear Lutti


    The real Dark Chocolate Teddy Bear, the famous soft marshmallow confection coated in dark chocolate. Large size.

    Sales suspended during the summer (the product does not transport well in the heat).

  • Dextrose Zip Zap Collar


    The classic, old-fashioned candy necklace, made from small compressed dextrose candies held together with a rubber band!

    Sold in bulk in a 2.25 kg bag or in a full box of 6 x 2.25 kg.

  • Dino Jelly Vidal


    Large jelly dinosaur, individually blister-packed in card format (9 cm x 6.5 cm) - Sold in bulk in a display of 66 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 66 pcs.

  • Dino marshmallow lollipop


    Marshmallow lollipop in the shape of a Dinosaur! - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 lollipops or in a complete box of 6 x 12 pcs - Size: 15 cm

    Designation of origin: Lollipop Peanuts Marshmallow or Mallow Kebabs

    Out of Stock
  • Dinosaur Candy Box


    Cardboard box sold folded, in packs of 50, with dinosaur drawings to color - Ideal as a surprise box or Lunch Box for children's menus.

    Sold without sweets

  • Disco Candy Brabo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Disco Candy


    Lollipop in a glow stick - 4 colours, 3 assorted flavours (strawberry, raspberry and apple) - Sold in bulk in a display box of 16 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 16 pcs

  • Dispenser Round 3.5 L Plexiglas Pre Order Harmonyl - 1

    Dispenser Round 3.5 L Plexiglas Pre Order


    By order only - Delivery time: 3 weeks - Please contact us for more information.

    Round Plexiglas display tube 12cm x 30cm, 3.5 litres, ideal for selling confectionery in bulk.

    Sold with fixing bar

    Buy 10, 20, 30 or 40

    Last items in stock
  • Dispenser Round 5 L Plexiglas Pre Order Harmonyl - 1

    Dispenser Round 5 L Plexiglas Pre Order


    By order only - Delivery time: 3 weeks - Please contact us for more information.

    Round Plexiglas display tube, 15cm x 38cm, 5 litres, ideal for selling confectionery in bulk.

    Sold with fixing bar

    Buy by 10, 20, 30 or 40

  • Dispenser Round 8 L Plexiglas Pre Order Harmonyl - 1

    Dispenser Round 8 L Plexiglas Pre Order


    By order only - Delivery time: 3 weeks - Please contact us for more information.

    Round Plexiglas display tube 15cm x 55cm, 8 litres, ideal for selling confectionery in bulk.

    Sold with fixing bar

    Buy 10, 20, 30 or 40

  • Dispenser Square 5 L Plexiglas Pre Order Harmonyl - 1

    Dispenser Square 5 L Plexiglas Pre Order


    By order only - Delivery time: 3 weeks - Please contact us for more information.

    Square Tube Plexiglas display 15cm x 38cm, 5 litres, ideal for selling confectionery in bulk.

    Sold with fixing bar

    Buy 10, 20, 30 or 40

  • Dispenser Square 8 L Plexiglas Pre Order Harmonyl - 1

    Dispenser Square 8 L Plexiglas Pre Order


    By order only - Delivery time: 3 weeks - Please contact us for more information.

    Square Tube Plexiglas display 15cm x 55cm, 8 litres, ideal for selling confectionery in bulk.

    Sold with fixing bar

    Buy 10, 20, 30 or 40

  • Display 28 Plexiglas Trays (Empty) Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Display 28 Plexiglas Trays (Empty)


    Set of Plexiglas display units on a decorated pedestal with castors. 7 tiers of 4 clamshell bins, each able to hold and store around 3 kg of confectionery.

    Furniture Sold EMPTY

    SPECIAL OFFER - Buy this display + 40 Fini references of your choice and get 10% off the whole - SEE FINI CATALOGUE HERE

    Out of Stock
  • Display Box Pirate Safe Choco Money Fizzy - 1
    Stock Bas

    Display Box Pirate Safe Choco Money


    Large display in the shape of a 300 g pirate's safe Milk chocolate coin filet (100 g)

    Ideal for organizing a treasure hunt with the kids.

    This pirate 's chest measures 1.5 m high when opened, perfect for bringing your treasure hunt to life.

    Last items in stock
  • Display for Plexigas Filled Cable Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Display for Plexigas Filled Cable


    Display box for sweets and confectionery such as American Réglisses, Luna Park, Cable filled in plexiglass, with 2 opening systems.

    Dimensions: length 70 cm, width 21 cm

    To enhance the presentation of its range of bulk sweets and ensure better preservation of jelly confectionery.

  • Dolphin Splash Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Dolphin Splash


    Dolphin-shaped jelly candy for dipping in gel. Taste: Strawberry and blackberry candies and blackberry gel - Sold in bulk packaging in a 12 pcs display box or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Double Cherry


    The famous double cherry lollipop, individually wrapped - Sold in bulk in a bag of 100 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 100 pcs

  • Double Flip Pop


    Butterfly Lollipop, double, with double flavour (24gr) - Reclosable case, 2 lollipops : Pink/Green = Strawberry/Apple and Blue/Orange = Raspberry/Cola - Sold in bulk in a display box of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

  • Double Sour Dip Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Double Sour Dip


    The Mega Double Feeding Bottle contains 2 sucking teats and 2 different sour powders - Multi-flavoured - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Dr Sour Blow Your Candy


    Dr Sour bowl of sticky, tart apple green liquid candy to suck through a straw (40 gr) - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Dr Sour Lollipop Twist & Turn Pop


    Dextrose lollipop with a mad scientist case to dip in Dr Sour brand apple sour powder, individually blister-packed - Sold in bulk in a display of 6 blisters or in a complete box of 8 x 6 pcs.

  • Dr Sour Ropes Felko - 1

    Dr Sour Ropes


    Mega jelly candy in the shape of a pizza slice, individually wrapped in a blister pack - Pizza XXL, 120 gr , size : Flavour Tutti Frutti - sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 slices or in a complete box of 2 x 12 pcs.

  • Dr Sour Sour Gel Slimy


    Tube of Dr Sour green and tart apple liquid candy (50 gr) - Sold in bulk in a display case of 24 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 24 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Dr Sour The Game + Candies Felko - 2
    Stock Bas

    Dr Sour The Game + Candies


    Box of sour or sweet sugared sweets, in the form of board games - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 game boxes or in a complete box of 6 x 12 boxes.

    Want to play a game? Try the Dr Sour Game, a fun, gourmet game for all fans of thrilling games!

    Roll the die and let fate choose which candy you're going to enjoy. Right or wrong, salty, sour or sweet, will you dare to eat them?

  • Dr Sour Watermelon Chew Bar


    Dr Sour 20 cm watermelon sour chewy bar - two colors - sold in bulk in a display of 24 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 24 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Dr'Apollo Fizz Lutti


    Stinging ring-shaped candies with a lemon-raspberry taste. Sold in bulk in 2 kg bags or full boxes of 6 x 2 kg.

    Out of Stock
  • Dracula Teeth Trolli


    Vampire's teeth in fruity jelly from TROLLI.

    Perfect for Halloween

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Dragibus Soft Haribo

    €16.60 €14.94

    DRAGIBUS SOFT are tender, colourful sweets covered in a sugar-coated sugar-coated coating that encloses a delicious fruity centre. This is the "large model" version of the Dragibus Classic.

  • Dragon Jelly Vidal


    Large Jelly Dragon (33 gr) in jelly, individually blister-packed and sold in a display of 22 units (11 sheets of 2 blisters) or in a complete box of 6 x 22 pcs.

  • Drink Fizz Cola


    Cola-flavoured mini lollipop in the shape of a small, individually wrapped Coke bottle.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a tube of 100 lollipops or in a complete box of 6 x 100 pcs.

  • Dummy Bear


    Individually wrapped Bear Lollipop - Net weight: 13 grams - Assorted flavours -

    Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 125 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 125 pcs

  • Duo Spray Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Duo Spray


    The famous and delicious double spray! A spray-shaped confection that sprays a delicious acidic liquid or a softer, sweeter one - Sold in large packs in a display of 16 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 16 pcs.

  • Eiffel Tower Pierrot Gourmand


    Sweet jelly candy in the shape of the Eiffel Tower - sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Elasti Gummies


    Individually wrapped smooth stretch jelly beans in the shape of gorilla, shark, wild boar and crocodile (50 gr) - 4 characters, 4 flavours (Strawberry, Apple, Blueberry, Orange) - sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pieces or in a complete box of 4 x 12 pcs.

  • Electro Fusion


    Liquid gel candy in a triple flask that combines three different tart flavours - strawberry, green apple and raspberry. Sold in bulk in a display case of 18 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 18 pcs.

  • Empty 14 Pin Bag Display Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    Stock Bas

    Empty 14 Pin Bag Display


    Display sold empty. Ideal for displaying Fini mini-bags.

    A 50% discount is applied to this display if you buy 30 boxes of Fini bags at the same time.


  • copy ofPrésentoir Vide Chupa Chups

    Empty 2L Candy jar Carambar & Co


    Glass candy jar Carambar & Co (Carambar, Lutti, Krema) empty to fill - Sold by unit in bulk packaging

  • Empty Display 28 Pins for Bag Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    Stock Bas

    Empty Display 28 Pins for Bag


    Display stand sold empty. Ideal for displaying Fini mini-bags.

    A 50% discount is applied to this display if you buy 60 boxes of Fini bags at the same time.


    Dimensions: 52 cm x 40 cm x 196 cm


  • Empty Display 6 Spindles for Bag Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    Stock Bas

    Empty Display 6 Spindles for Bag


    Counter display sold empty. Ideal for displaying Fini mini-bags on a shelf or counter.

    A 50% discount is applied to this display if you buy 20 boxes of Fini bags at the same time.


    Dimensions: 29 cm x 35 cm x 78 cm

  • Empty display for 12 Fini Boxes Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    Stock Bas

    Empty display for 12 Fini Boxes


    Metal display for Fini Box - Please note that, contrary to what is shown in the image, this display is sold without any confectionery or sweets.

    Dimension : 45 cm x 29 cm x 200 cm

    Fragile product: Delivery on pallet. Your order must be at least 30 kg gross (see link for detailed explanation).

  • Empty display Gravity Chupa Chups Chupa Chups - 1

    Empty display Gravity Chupa Chups


    Chupa Chups Gravity lollipop dispenser to fill (sold empty) in plastic - sold by unit

  • Energy Filled Cable Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Energy Filled Cable


    70 cm long gummy cable with Red Bull (Energy Drink) filling - Also known as "American Licorice" - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 100 pcs or in a complete box of 2 x 100 pcs.

    Fragile product: Delivery on pallet. Your order must be at least 30 kg gross (see link for detailed explanation).

    10% extra discount when you buy 10 boxes or cartons (your choice of fragrance) from the range (available here)

  • Energy Pop Red Bull


    Ginseng Energy Lollipop in Red Bull flavour -

    Sold in bulk packaging in a tubo of 100 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 100 pcs

    CAUTION: Contains caffeine - not suitable for children or pregnant women

  • Eukalyptus sugar plate to break
    Stock Bas

    Eukalyptus sugar plate to break


    Plate of Eukalyptus-flavored baked sugar. Candies made with natural flavors. Available in licorice, pine, poppy and Veilchengeschmack flavors. Sold in bulk packaging in 5 kg bags or 2 x 5 kg boxes.

    Last items in stock
  • Explorer Candy Box


    Cardboard box sold folded, in packs of 50 units with a jungle, safari or explorer theme - Ideal as a surprise box or Lunch Box for children's menus.

    Sold without candy

  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Frankie


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory orange and green Frankenstein heads in sugar-coated jelly candy, for resale by the piece - Apple and Strawberry flavour.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Out of Stock
  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Fruit


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory jelly fruit for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Mini Blackberry


    15 80-gram bags of small blackberry and raspberry black and red jelly candies from The Gommy's Factory for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Mini Sweet Banana


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory sugar-coated banana jelly for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Mini Sweet Bones


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory sugar-coated strawberry jelly bones for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Out of Stock
  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Skull


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory purple and orange sugar-coated pectin jelly skulls for resale by the piece - Flavor: Orange and Blackcurrant

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Out of Stock
  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Sweet Cola The Gommy's Factory - 1
    Stock Bas

    Fancy Bag 80 gr Sweet Cola


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory sugar-coated jelly cola bottles for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Cherry Lips


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory red sugar-coated jelly lips for resale by the piece - Flavor Cherry

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Fried Egg The Gommy's Factory - 1
    Stock Bas

    Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Fried Egg


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory sugar-coated gummy fried eggs for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Peach Heart The Gommy's Factory - 1
    Stock Bas

    Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Peach Heart


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory sugar-coated gummy peach hearts for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Last items in stock
  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Sour Cherry


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory sugar-coated jelly cherry for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Strawberry


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory Mini Strawberry Smooth jelly candies for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Strawberry Cable


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory Mini Tube Strawberry Smooth jelly candies for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Strawberry Kiss


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory pink and white strawberry sugar-coated jelly dome for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Teddy


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory smooth pectin gummy bears for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Watermelon Slice


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory watermelon slices in sugar-coated jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Smooth Twist


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory Smooth Twisted Strawberry Tube jelly candies for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Sour Octopus The Gommy's Factory - 1
    Stock Bas

    Fancy Bag 90 gr Sour Octopus


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory Sour Octopus sugar-coated jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Sour Rainbow


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory multicolored, slightly sour, sugar-coated jelly candy strips for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Out of Stock
  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Strawberry Brick


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory strawberry jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Sweet Twist


    15 90-gram bags of Strawberry Sweet Twisted Jelly Tube sugar-coated jelly candy from The Gommy's Factory for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Vegan Panda


    15 90-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory gummy Panda / Smooth Bear for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fida Vegan Lemon Ginger Candy

    Fida Vegan Lemon Ginger Candy


    Mixture of soft gelled lemon and ginger candies, 100% vegetable wrapped sold in bulk packaging, in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

    Certified Vegan, Artificial Dye Free, Gluten Free

  • Fida Vegan Sugarfree Candy

    Fida Vegan Sugarfree Candy


    Soft Fruity Jelly Candy 100% Vegetable, individually wrapped, sold in bulk packaging, in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

    Certified Vegan, No Artificial Colours, Sugar Free, Gluten Free

  • Fini Bag 75 gr Sour Rainbow Stick


    12 75-gram bags of Fini brand jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Sour Pencils" are multicoloured, tangy 15 cm long cables.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Finitronc Rolled Marshmallow Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 80 gr Finitronc Rolled Marshmallow


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand multicoloured cylindrical marshmallow candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Halal certification

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Inside Out Stick


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Inside Out are 13 cm long red fruit filled cables.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Mellows Magic


    12 Bags of 80 grams of Spiral Marshmallow with a strawberry liquid in the middle of the brand Fini - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Mellows Party


    12 Bags of 80 grams of the brand's spiral marshmallow mix and bi-coloured heart marshmallow mix Fini - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Mellows Sweet Popcorn


    12 Bags of 80 grams of Mellows Sweet Pop corn Fini Marshmallow - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Out of Stock
  • Fini Bag 80 gr Pop Watermelon


    80g bag Lollipops Fini Pop - Flavour: Watermelon - Sold in large packs of 12 x 80g bags

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Sour Spaghetti


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand gummy candy in the form of long, multicoloured, tangy threads for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Sour Strawberry Stick


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Sour Pencils" are 15 cm long strawberry-filled, tangy cables.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Out of Stock
  • Fini Bag 80 gr Tongue Painter Lollipop


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand coloured lollipops with a chewing gum centre, for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Xoco Gang Beans Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Fini Bag 80 gr Xoco Gang Beans


    Strawberry jelly beans covered in chocolate and coloured icing. The softest texture of all! Sold in bulk in a display of 20 x 80g bags.

    Out of Stock
  • Fini Bag 85 gr Jelly Beans


    Fini coloured jelly beans. Multi-coloured jelly beans. Sold in bulk in a small box containing 12 bags of 85 gr.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Assorted Shark Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Assorted Shark


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand coloured jelly sharks for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Banana Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Fini Bag 90 gr Banana


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand sugar-coated banana jelly for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Blackberry Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Fini Bag 90 gr Blackberry


    12 90-gram bags of Fini blackberry and raspberry jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Booster Bits Fruit Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Fini Bag 90 gr Booster Bits Fruit


    12 90-gram bags of Fini chewing gum balls in various colours - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Out of Stock
  • Fini Bag 90 gr Bubble Gum Bottle Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Bubble Gum Bottle


    12 90-gram bags of Pink and Blue Bottles Fini brand sour jelly candy for resale by the piece. Flavour : Bubble Gum

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Cinema Mix


    12 x 90g bags of a mix of different coloured jelly sweets from the brand Fini - For resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Drops


    12 bags of 90 grams of jelly beans of the Fini brand for resale by the piece.

    Possibility to hang them on a hook display

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery stores, gas stations, fairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Fried Egg Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Fried Egg


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand gelled fried egg for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Frog


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand coloured jelly frogs for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Gum Ball Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Gum Ball


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand chewing gum balls in various colours for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Little Mix


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand smooth jelly sweets - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Little Mix Sour Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Little Mix Sour


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand mixed acid jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Macedoine Fruit Gum


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand fruit-shaped chewing gum filled with powder for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Magic Carpet Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Magic Carpet


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Magic Carpets are pieces of acid rainbow belt.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Melon Gum Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Fini Bag 90 gr Melon Gum


    12 100-gram bags of Fini brand Melon-shaped filled chewing gum balls for resale by the piece.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Mini Cable Licorice


    12 90-gram bags of mini liquorice tubes filled with Fini brand coloured confectionery for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Mini Cable Smooth Strawberry


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Mini Tubes are pieces of cable with a strawberry filling.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Mini Cable Sour Strawberry


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand strawberry mini tube jelly filled with sour sugar for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Peach Heart Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Peach Heart


    12 90-gram bags of Fini Peach Heart gummy candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Peach Ring Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Peach Ring


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand peach puck jelly for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sensation Red Mix


    Sensation Red Mix is an assortment of filled strawberry cubes, liquorice and strawberry bricks - 12 Bags of 90 grams of Fini brand jelly candy for resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Smooth Cola Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Smooth Cola


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand jelly Cola bottles for resale by the piece.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Smooth Rainbow Stick


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Rainbow Pencils" are multicoloured, 15 cm long cables.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Smooth Teddy Bear Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Smooth Teddy Bear


    12 90-gram bags of Fini gummy bears for resale by the piece.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Smooth Worms


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand smooth firefly (or worm) jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini bag 90 gr Sour Booom Mix


    12 x 90-gram bags of Sour Boom Mix, Fini's tangy jelly candy mix for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Cherry Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Cherry


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand sour jelly cherries for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Cola Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Cola


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand Cola bottle-shaped jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Octopus Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Octopus


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand octopus-shaped sour jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Strawberry Brick


    12 x 90g bags of Fini brand Strawberry Sour Jelly Briquette for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Tongue Belt Tutti


    12 90-gram bags of Fini Multifruit multicoloured mini belts (approx. 18 cm) for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Worms Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Sour Worms


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand firefly (or worm) jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Stick Strawberry Smooth


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Strawberry Pencils" are jelly sweets in the shape of cables with a 15 cm long strawberry filling.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Strawberry Kiss Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Strawberry Kiss


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand coloured jelly dome (or bisou) for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Strawberry Ring


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand jelly sweets for resale by the piece.

    Strawberry rings are strawberry-flavoured sour rings.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sweet Crocodile Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Fini Bag 90 gr Sweet Crocodile


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand multicoloured crocodile jelly sweets coated with sour sugar for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sweet Galaxy Mix


    12 x 90g bags of a mix of different coloured, tangy jelly sweets from the brand Fini - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Sweet Teddy Bear


    12 90-gram bags of Fini gummy and sour teddy bears for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Tooth Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Tooth


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand smooth denture jelly for resale by the piece.

    Perfect for Halloween

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Tropical Mix Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Tropical Mix


    12 x 90g bags of Tropical Mix, Fini's tangy jelly candy mix for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Watermelon Gum


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand Watermelon-shaped filled chewing gum balls for resale by the piece.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Watermelon Slice Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Fini Bag 90 gr Watermelon Slice


    12 90-gram bags of Fini watermelon slice jelly candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Wild Strawberry Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Fini Bag 90 gr Wild Strawberry


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand Sauvage strawberry jelly for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certification

  • Fini Box Banana Split Gum


    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Boom Cola


    Wrapped Sourd Candy in Cola flavor - Sold in boxes containing 200 pieces or in a complete box of 6 x 200 pcs

  • Fini Box Boom Strawberry


    Wrapped filled bubble gum - Wholesale packaging 200 units display or full carton of 6 x 200 units

  • Fini Box Camel Balls Gum


    Wrapped filled bubble gum

    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Destroyer Gum


    Wrapped, sour chewing gum with liquid coloring in the center in the shape of a lava ball - Sold in bulk packs of 200 pieces or in cartons of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Fini Box Dino Eggs Gum


    Wrapped, tsour chewing gum with liquid coloring in the center in the shape of a dino egg - Bubble Gum flavor - Sold in bulk in displays of 200 pieces or in carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Fini Box Football Fizz


    Wrapped filled bubble gum

    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Melons Gum


    Wrapped filled bubble gum

    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Missile Xplosion Gum


    Wrapped filled bubble gum

    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Spinner Battle Gum


    Wrapped Spinner Battle Gum - Bubble Gum flavor - Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Toro Balls Gum


    Wrapped filled bubble gum

    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Unicorn Balls


    Wrapped filled candy

    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Box Zombie Gum


    Wrapped filled bubble gum

    Sold in wholesale packaging in a display of 200 pcs or in a complete carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

    Buy 10 units of the FINI BOX range (in display or carton) and get additional 10% discount - See the FINI BOX range here

  • Fini Gum 80 gr Camel Balls


    12 bags of 80 grams of brown ball-shaped chewing gum (representing camel balls) filled with Fini brand sour liquid for resale by the piece.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Gum Bag 80 gr Cola Boom


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand cola sour candy filled with explosive powder, individually wrapped, for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Gum Bag 80 gr Tennis Ball


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand liquid-filled chewing gum tennis balls for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Gum Bag 80 gr Unicorn Gum


    12 bags of 80 grams of Fini brand rainbow ball unicorn chewing gum filled with powder for resale by the piece.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Gum Bag 80 gr Vampire Boom Fini Sanchez Cano - 2
    Stock Bas

    Fini Gum Bag 80 gr Vampire Boom


    12 bags of 80 grams of acidulous chewing gum filled with blue tongue colouring liquid, individually wrapped with Fini brand, for resale by the piece.

    Perfect for Halloween

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

  • Fini Gum bag 80 gr Zombie


    12 bags of 80 grams of coloured, filled and tangy Fini brand Chewing Gum Balls for resale by the piece.

    Perfect for Halloween

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Tennis Ball Gum XL


    The XL version of FINI brand tennis ball chewing gum (20 gr) - XL chewing gum filled with a tangy lemon powder in the shape of a GIANT tennis ball! sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag (around 50 pcs) or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Finin Bag 90 gr Strawberry Belt


    12 x 90-gram bags of Fini brand Strawberry Jelly Long Strips for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Finitronc Bicolor Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Bicolor Marshmallow Fini


    Pink and white bicolour marshmallow (marshmallow) from Fini - Bag of 125 pcs in bulk or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

  • Finitronc Brick Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Brick Marshmallow Fini


    Fini's pink and white marshmallow brick-shaped marshmallow candies - Bag of 125 loose pieces

    Ideal for sweet cakes and tarts

    Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 125 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 125 pcs

  • Finitronc Cream Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Cream Marshmallow Fini


    Creamy marshmallow (marshmallow or marshmallow) from Fini - Bag of 125 pcs in bulk or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

    Ideal for Christmas

  • Finitronc Flowers Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Flowers Marshmallow Fini


    Multicoloured marshmallow flower bag - Sold in bulk bags of 125 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

    Ideal for Christmas and birthday parties

  • Finitronc Heart Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Heart Marshmallow Fini


    Fini's pink and white marshmallow heart-shaped marshmallow candies - Bag of 125 pcs loose or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

    Ideal for Christmas

  • Finitronc Spirals Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Spirals Marshmallow Fini


    Marshmallow spiral marshmallows (marshmallow or marshmallow) from Fini - Bag of 125 pcs in bulk or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

  • Finitronc Stripe Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Stripe Marshmallow Fini


    Marshmallow (marshmallow or marshmallow) with stripes from Fini - Sold in bulk bags of 125 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

    Ideal for candy cakes

  • Finitronc Target Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Target Marshmallow Fini


    Multicoloured rolled marshmallow target sweets (marshmallow or marshmallow) de Fini

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a full box of 8 x 1 kg.

  • Finitronc Trunks Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Trunks Marshmallow Fini


    Finitronc Marshmallow White trunk (marshmallow) from Fini - Bag of 125 pcs in bulk or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

  • Finitronc Twist Marshmallow Blue Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Twist Marshmallow Blue Fini


    4-colour twisted marshmallow candies. Sold in bulk in a bag of 125 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 125 pcs.

  • Fire Pomp Spray Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy
    Stock Bas

    Fire Pomp Spray


    Liquid spray candy in a fire extinguisher-shaped case. FIRE POMP SPRAY is the latest craze in the world of liquid candy sprays. To quench your thirst for sour candy, spray Fire Pomp Spray in your mouth. Fun and pleasure guaranteed! - 3 assorted flavors: Strawberry, Raspberry, Cola - sold in bulk in a 12 pcs display box or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Fizzy 4 Gums Macedoine Fini


    Bag of 4 Hard Bubble Gum Bonbons Fini Fizzy - Display of 50 bags of 4 hard bubble gum bonbons - Flavour: Watermelon, Melon, Lemon & Red Fruits - Sold in bulk in a presentation box containing 50 pcs pcs or in a full carton of 8 x 50 pcs.

  • Fizzy Bottle Pop

    €12.00 €10.20

    Fizzy Bottle Pop Display - Bottle-shaped lollipop dipped in fizzy, tangy powder - Flavours: Lemon, Orange, Cola - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 units or a box of 8 x 12 pcs.

  • Flanbotti Haribo


    Haribo's gummy caramel flan, the great classic that's been copied but never equalled! Sold in bulk packaging in a 1.5 kg bag or in a full box of 8 x 1.5 kg.

    Out of Stock
  • Flash Pop Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Flash Pop


    Flash Pop lollipop that lights up and stores in its case - 3 flavours: Strawberry, Cola & Raspberry - Sold in bulk in a presentation box containing 12 pieces (34 gr/unit) or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Flash Powder Brabo - 1
    • New product
    Funny Candy

    Flash Powder


    Lollipop Flash Powder - Lollipop (25 gr) that lights up and is stored in its case to be dipped in a sour powder - 3 flavours: Strawberry, Cola & Raspberry - Sold in bulk packaging in a display 12 pieces (25 gr/unit) or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Flip Dipper Lollipop


    Skeleton with a strawberry or raspberry flavoured lollipop head to dip in a sour powder - Sold in bulk packaging on a display of 6 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 18 pcs

    Buy 5 products WOM (click here to see the range) and benefit from a 15% discount

  • Floppie's Haribo


    Tasty, multi-colored candies with a fruity aroma... - Floppie's crunch under the tooth and melt in the mouth. A delight for the whole family - Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Flower Power Halal Jake - 1

    Flower Power Halal


    A superb rosebud-shaped confection in a sweet, airy jelly. Strawberry, tropical, lemon, raspberry and orange flavours. - Sold in bulk packaging in a 1kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Flying Bears


    Flying Bears - Colorful, strawberry-flavored gummy bears in a fun container with a propelling cap - Sold in bulk packaging on a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 12 pcs.


  • Flying Monster Funny Toy Johny Bee - 1
    Stock Bas

    Flying Monster Funny Toy


    Two bags of fizzy candy powder + Toy: Flying propeller - Flavours: Strawberry, Raspberry, Green Apple and Cola - Spin the propeller with your hand to make it move, then throw it in the air to make it fly! - Sold in bulk in a presentation box containing 28 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 28 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Foot & Powder Cherry


    Bag containing a cherry-flavoured foot-shaped lollipop to dip in sour effervescent powder. VAT reduced to 5.5%.

    Original name: Pies con pica soda

    Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 40 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 40 pcs.

  • Foot & Powder Cola


    Bag containing a Cola-flavoured foot-shaped lollipop to dip in sour effervescent powder - reduced VAT rate of 5.5%.

    Original name: Pies con pica soda

    Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 40 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 40 pcs.

  • Foot & Powder Forest Fruit


    Pies, a confectionery bag containing a Fruit des Bois flavoured lollipop in the shape of a foot to be dipped in tangy effervescent powder.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 40 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 40 pcs.

  • Foot & Powder Pack 3 Classic

    €25.50 €22.95

    Pies y Soda Pica, the bagged confection comprising a foot-shaped lollipop (Fruit des Bois, Cola or Cherry flavour) to be dipped in tangy effervescent powder - VAT reduced to 5.5%.

    The package includes:

    40 bags of cherry lollipop + powder

    40 bags of Cola + powder lollipops

    40 bags of Fruits des Bois lollipop + powder

  • Foot & Powder Pack 5 + 1 Free

    €51.00 €43.20

    Pack of 5 boxes + 1 free 40 bags (i.e. 240 pcs) of lollipop with powder effervescent - Flavour: Forest Fruit, Cola, Cherry, American, Strawberry, Banana, Lemon and Lime

    Also known as: Pies y Soda Pica

  • Foot & Powder Set Fancy 4 + 1 FREE

    €42.50 €34.00

    Pack of 4 boxes + 1 free box of 40 bags (200 pcs) of lollipops dipped in effervescent powder - Several flavors

    Package includes :

    40 bags of American lollipop + powder

    40 bags of Dinos lollipops + lemon/green powder

    40 bags of Unicorn soother + strawberry/banana powder

    40 bags of Zombie lollipop + lemon-flavored powder

    + 1 box of 40 bags of High Five lollipop + red fruit powder - FREE

  • Foot Pop Cup Brabo - 1
    • Out of Stock
    Funny Candy

    Foot Pop Cup


    Football Cup mechanical lollipop - Football Cup lollipop holder with a push button on the front; press the button and the cup opens to dispense the lollipop - 3 flavours: Pink (Strawberry), Green (Apple) and Blue (Raspberry) - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 pieces or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Football Candy Box


    Food-grade cardboard box sold folded, in packs of 50 - Ideal as a surprise box or Lunch Box for children's menus

    Sold without confectionery

  • Football Gum Vidal


    The football that chews! Chewing gum in the shape of a multicoloured football filled with a tangy powder sold in large packs in a tub of 150 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 150 pcs.

  • Fraizibus Haribo

    €15.65 €14.09

    The famous red, green and black fruit-flavoured candy (Fraisibus Haribo) - Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Fried egg Halal Jake - 1

    Fried egg Halal


    Smooth gummy fried egg candies. Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Fried Egg Haribo


    The unique and legendary fried egg, with a double texture and taste that make it one of HARIBO's greatest classics! Sold in bulk in a 1.5 kg bag or in a complete box of 8 x 1.5 kg.

  • Fried Egg Haribo

    €8.80 €7.04

    Melt in your mouth, the famous HARIBO fried egg has been a family favourite for generations! Sold in bulk in a bin of 210 HARIBO fried egg sweets.

  • Fried Egg Trolli


    Fried egg in jelly, the great classic of jelly sweets sold in large packs of 1 kg or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Frisia Salted Licorice Turtle


    Two-coloured turtle in Salted Liquorice soft candy - Typical Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian sweets

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 1.5 kg bag or in a complete box of 2 x 1.5 kg.

    Out of Stock
  • Fritizz Lutti


    Fritizz, the famous sour jelly fry made by Lutti - Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Frizzy Pazzy Cola


    The powder that explodes (crackles) in your mouth! Available in Strawberry and Blue Tongue - Sold in large packs in a presentation box of 50 pcs or in a full box of 12 x 50 pcs.

  • Frizzy Pazzy pack 4 x 50 pcs

    €58.20 €49.47

    Pack of 4 boxes of Frizzy Pazzy the famous powdered sweet that explodes in your mouth and colours your tongue (Tongue Stain model)!

    The package includes:

    2 boxes of 50 Strawberry Frizzy Pazzy (best-selling flavour)

    1 tin of 50 Frizzy Pazzy with Cola

    1 box of 50 Frizzy Pazzy Tâche-Langue

  • Frizzy Pazzy Strawberry


    The powder that explodes in your mouth! Available in Strawberry, Cola and Tongue Stain - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 50 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 50 pcs.

  • Frizzy Pazzy Tongue Stain


    The powder that explodes (crackles) in your mouth - Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box of 50 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 50 pcs.

  • Frog pop


    Frog with a tongue-shaped lollipop sticking out of its mouth - Sold in bulk in a display box of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Fruit Garden BubbleGum Super 10 Ilham Sweet - 1

    Fruit Garden BubbleGum Super 10


    Fruit Garden Bubble Gum Super 10, 10 fruity flavors sold in bulk in a display of 24 pcs or in a complete box of 10 x 24 pcs.

  • Fruit Gum Macedonia Fini


    Macédoine de Fruits, a mixture of chewing gum filled with a tangy powder Multi-parfum in the shape of fruit - Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 250 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 250 pcs kg

  • Fruit Gum Macedonia Fini XL


    The XL version of FINI brand tennis ball chewing gum - XL chewing gum filled with a tangy lemon powder in the shape of a GIANT tennis ball! sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Fruit Mega Wheels Haribo


    Mega Roulette - Fruity-flavoured gelled soft candies in rolls of 20 - Sold in bulk in a display case of 40 rolls

  • Fruit Spray


    Liquid candy in a 20 ml spray of fruity liquid candy - Sold in bulk in a display box containing 24 sprays.

    Sold in bulk in a presentation box containing 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 24 pcs.

  • Fruit wheel Haribo


    Tender, fruity sweets in rolls of 10. Assorted flavours: cherry, apple, raspberry, lemon or pineapple - Sold in large packs in tubes of 45 pcs or in full cartons of 8 x 45 pcs.


  • copy of Football Candy Box
    Stock Bas

    Fruits Candy Box


    Cardboard box sold folded, in packs of 50, very colorful with fruits to color - Ideal as a surprise box or Lunch Box for children's menus.

    Sold without sweets

    Last items in stock
  • Frutti Fizz Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy
    Stock Bas

    Frutti Fizz


    Frutti Fizz, a bag with 4 resealable fruit-shaped containers filled with tangy powder. Flavors: strawberry, raspberry, orange and lemon - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 18 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 18 pcs.

  • Funkee Dips 3 in 1

    €11.50 €10.93

    3 in 1 bag with a sparkling blueberry acid powder, a sparkling strawberry acid powder and a compressed dextrose acid stick, in a display of 24 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 24 pcs.

  • Funny Candy Spray Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Funny Candy Spray


    Sugar-free spray candy (54 gr) in the shape of the Funny Candy character, flavours: Strawberry, Watermelon, Cola or Raspberry - Sold in bulk packaging in a 20 pcs display or in a complete box of 8 x 20 pcs.

  • Funny Dino Lutti


     Dinosaur-shaped jelly candy sold in bulk packaging in large 2 kg bags or in full 6 x 2 kg cartons.

  • Funny Squeeze Candy Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Funny Squeeze Candy


    Lollipop with man-shaped liquid confectionery - Flavours: Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry - Sold in display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

  • Gas Station


    Petrol pump toy containing mini candies with a fruity flavour. When you crank the machine, the candies fall out of the pump - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Chupa Chups Giant x 4
    • Out of Stock

    Giant Chupa Chups


    Pack of 4 giant Chupa Chups lollipops, each containing 20 lollipops (strawberry or cola) weighing 12g, to present on a cardboard stand.

    Fragile product: delivery on pallet obligatory and the order must weigh more than 30 kg to guarantee delivery in good condition.

    Out of Stock
  • Giant Cola Wrapped XXL


    Jelly Cola bottle in its Mini Packaging (28 gr)! 2 bottles in a cola-flavored package, sold in bulk in a 36 pcs display or in a full carton of 16 x 36 pcs

  • Giant Spray XXL Brabo - 3
    Funny Candy

    Giant Spray XXL


    The MAXI Spray XXL sprays a delicious sour liquid! Over 25 cm high! Sold in bulk in a display box of 16 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 16 pcs.

  • Girl Super Hero Candy Box


    Cardboard box sold folded, in packs of 50, with a girl or superhero theme - Ideal as a surprise box or Lunch Box for children's menus.

    Sold without confectionery

  • Glossy Pop Princess BBD 05/2025 Candy Family - 1 -30%
    • -30%
    • New product

    Glossy Pop Princess BBD 05/2025

    €9.90 €6.93

    Lipstick lollipop decorated with unicorn and princess (6 g) - 2 colours: pink or beige - Fragrance: Strawberry - Sold in bulk in a display case of 18 units or in a complete box of 12 x 18 pcs.

    Ideal as gifts for children's parties and birthdays.

    Best Before Date : Mai 2025*

  • Glotzer Trolli


    AArrgh! The horrible big soft gummy eye filled with red liquid! Net weight: 18.80 g

    Perfect for Halloween

    Sold in bulk in a presentation box containing 60 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 60 pcs.

  • Goldbear Haribo

    €8.80 €6.60

    Haribo L'ours D'or (Goldbear) gummy fruit candy - Sold in bulk in a bin of 210 pcs

  • Golden Bear Haribo


    Candy Haribo L'ours D'or (Goldbear) gelled with fruit - Sold in bulk in 2 kg bags or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Grape & Strawberry Crockers 45 gr Togolo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Grape & Strawberry Crockers 45 gr


    Delicious Crunchy Granulated Candies in an individual box (45 gr) - Double flavour: grape and separate strawberry - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 16 boxes

    Last items in stock
  • Green Gum Menthol


    A menthol-flavoured hard gum candy similar to the famous Valda pastille. This confectionery contains no gelatine. The gummy appearance is achieved using potato starch.

    Also known as: green mints, grüne menthol, gommes vertes, pastilles vertes

    Sold in large packs of 2 x 1.5 kg

    Out of Stock
  • Grenade Lolly Dip Brabo - 2
    Funny Candy

    Grenade Lolly Dip


    Grenade (40 gr) with a large lollipop to dip in its reservoir filled with sour powder - 3 Colours: 3 Flavours: Apple (Green), Strawberry (Red), Blackberry (Blue) - Sold in large pack on a display of 18 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 18 pcs.

  • Grenade Spray


    Grenade Spray (45 ml) liquid candy in the shape of a grenade - 3 colours, 3 flavours: Strawberry, Green Apple, Red Fruit - Sold in bulk in a display box of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Gum Ball Bola 25 mm Vidal


    Big Gum Ball - Mix colors and fruity flavors - 2 kg bag - Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a full box of 6 x 2 kg.

    Ball diameter: 2.5 cm

  • Gum Ball Jawbreaker Bomb


    Hard candy in the shape of a ball tongue painter with a chewing gum inside individually wrapped - sold in bulk packaging in a display of 90 pcs or in a full box of 12 x 90 pcs

  • Gum Ball Jawbreaker Energy Ball


    Energy-flavored Hard Candy Ball with chewing gum inside, individually wrapped - sold in bulk packaging in a 90 pcs display or in a full box of 12 x 90 pcs.

  • Gumball Machine dispenser 120 gr Ilham Sweet - 2

    Gumball Machine dispenser 120 gr


    Mini dispenser filled with small chewing gum balls (1cm in diameter) that can also be used as a money box (several colours available, blue, pink, green and red) - Sold in large packs of 12 pcs.

    Dispenser height = 14 cm

  • Gumball Machine dispenser 300 gr Ilham Sweet - 1 -30%
    • -30%

    Gumball Machine dispenser 300 gr

    €5.00 €3.50

    Dispenser filled with a small ball (2cm diameter) of chewing gum (several colours available, blue, pink, green and red) individually wrapped in a box - Sold individually (random colour) or in bulk in a pack of 12 pcs.

    Height of dispenser = 20 cm

  • Gummy Crazy Eyes Togolo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Gummy Crazy Eyes


    A fun and delicious pair of glasses with gummy candy eyes that you can eat. Flavours: strawberry, blueberry, apple, orange or lemon. Sold in bulk in a display case of 30 glasses or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

  • Gummy Noodles


    Tutti-frutti flavour candy mix, soft noodle-shaped candy with dextrose candy chopsticks, popping candy, tutti frutti flavour - Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 12 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 12 pcs.

  • Hamlet Gum Ball 14 mm


    Medium-sized chewing gum balls - Assorted colours and fruity flavours - 2.5 kg bag, approx. 870 balls - Sold in bulk in a 2.5 kg bag or in a complete box of 4 x 2.5 kg.

    Ball diameter: 1.7 cm

    Out of Stock
  • Hand Shake Candy


    Tube hands containing a mixture of small candy balls - Flavors: Strawberry, Blueberry, Peach - Sold in large packaging in a display of 12 hands or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs

  • Happy Box Haribo


    Assortment of the most famous jelly sweets Haribo in a beautiful petal-shaped box. You'll find Smurfs, dragibus and crocodiles... - sold in bulk in a 600g tubo or in a full 18 x 600g box

    Your customers will love this product for organising their birthday parties or Halloween parties.


  • Happy Cherry Haribo

    €8.80 €7.04

    Haribo cherry jelly candy with cherry flavour - A classic jelly candy revisited and brought up to date in a bin of 105 pcs.

  • Happy Cola Haribo


    The famous Cola-flavoured candy that had many people salivating...
    Give in to the little jelly bottle for a delicious experience! - Sold in bulk in a 1.5 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1.5 kg.

  • Happy Cola Haribo

    €8.80 €7.04

    The famous Cola-flavoured candy that has made so many mouths water... in 210 pcs bin

  • Happy Dummy


    Individually wrapped fruit-flavored lollipop. No artificial colorants - Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box containing 90 pcs. or in a full carton of 6 x 90 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Happy Halloween Box + Candy 158 gr BBD 06/25 Patrelle - 1 -50%
    • -50%
    Stock Bas

    Happy Halloween Box + Candy 158 gr BBD 06/25

    €44.00 €22.00

    Surprise box filled with individually wrapped soft caramel and milk chocolate candy (158 gr) in Halloween, Vampire, Vampire and Ghost prints - Sold in bulk in a package of 12 boxes.

    The composition of the package is random, received directly from the supplier.

    Best Before Date : June 2025*

  • Happy Life Halloween Haribo Haribo - 1 -30%
    • -30%
    Stock Bas

    Happy Life Halloween Haribo

    €92.47 €64.73

    Haribo Happy'Life Halloween Edition - Halloween Pack: 2 kg of jelly candies (Smurfs, Happy Cola, Croco, Dragibus, Teats...) + 100 resealable bags of 120g, with a shovel and a spider web for a terrifying presentation! - Sold in bulk in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

    Last items in stock
  • Happy Life Haribo


    Candy Haribo Happy'Life - Jelly assortment (Smurfs, Happy Cola, Croco, Dragibus, Teats...) - Sold in bulk in 2 kg bags or in a complete box of 6 x 2 kg.

  • Happy Party XL Fini Mix


    Surprise pouch filled with individually wrapped sweets and confectionery (lollipop, jelly or chewing gum) - Sold in bulk in a bag containing 500 gr or in a complete box of 18 x 500 gr.

    This product is ideal for birthday parties or Halloween.

    The photo is not contractual but gives an idea of the contents.


  • Haribo  bag100 gr PandaWai Pik Haribo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Haribo bag100 gr PandaWai Pik


    Bag of PandaWai Fruit Jelly & Sour Candy (100gr) - Taste : Pome Bubble gum, Peach, Raspberry, Tropical or Blackcurrant - Sold in bulk in a box containing 30 x 100g bags

    Last items in stock
  • Haribo 50 gr Dragibus Pocket bag


    Haribo mini bag 50 gr Pocket format of classic Dragibus (small model) in display of 24 bags.

  • Haribo bag 10 gr Dragibus Bulk


    Mini 10-gram bag of classic Dragibus (small model) in a 750-piece cardboard box. Each bag contains 8 sweets.

    Unperforated mini bag

  • Haribo Bag 100 gr Asti Pik Haribo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Haribo Bag 100 gr Asti Pik


    Haribo Pik worm-shaped jelly candy - Orange and apricot, apple and cherry, cola and peach passion flavors. Sold in individual 100-gram bags in a box containing 30 units.

    Last items in stock
  • Haribo bag 100 gr Berries Haribo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Haribo bag 100 gr Berries


    Bag of Blackberry jelly beans (100gr) - Taste : Blackberrys - Sold in large packs in a box containing 30 x 100g bags

  • Haribo bag 100 gr Chamallow Haribo - 1

    Haribo bag 100 gr Chamallow


    Cylinder of pink and white marshmallows in a pack of 30 individual 100g bags sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 100 gr Flanbolo


    Smooth jelly custard from Haribo sold in individual bags of 100 grams - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 30 pcs

    Also known as Flanbotti Caramel

  • Haribo bag 100 gr Fraizibus


    The famous red, green and black fruit-flavoured candy (Fraisibus Haribo) sold in individual 100 gram bags - Sold in large packs of 30 pcs.

  • Haribo bag 100 gr Langue Pik


    Bag of Langue Pik Sour jelly candy (100gr) - Taste: fruit - Sold in large packets in a box containing 30 bags of 100g each

  • Haribo Bag 100 gr Pixel Pik


    Haribo Sour jelly candy in the shape of a multicolored brick - Pik version - sold in individual 100 gram bags in a box containing 24 units.

  • Haribo bag 100 gr StarMint


    Individually wrapped bag of Star Mint Candy - Intense Mint flavour - Suitable for vegetarians - Sold in bulk in a box containing 30 bags of 100 g each

  • Haribo Bag 100 gr Super Mario Pik


    Haribo's famous Super Mario video game characters in sour jelly candy sold in individual 100 gram bags sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo Bag 100 gr Tagada Pik Lemonade


    Pink and yellow tagada strawberry Pik version - Haribo's tangy jelly candy sold in individual 100 gram bags sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units - It's the perfect combination of the P!K sensation with the iconic Tagada texture and shape.

  • Haribo bag 120 g TropiFun bag


    Candy TropiFun Gélifié aux fruits - No artificial colourings - Natural flavourings and contains fruit juice - Sold in bulk in a box containing 30 bags of 100 gr.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr banan's


    Jelly banana candy sold in large packs in a box containing 30 individual 120 gram bags.

    Also known as: Banan's

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Carensac


    Sugar-coated coloured candy with liquorice from Haribo sold in individual 120 gram bags - sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 30 units

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Cherry Pik


    Haribo sour cherry jelly sold in individual bags of 120 grams - sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Croco Pik


    Haribo's Multicoloured Crocodile sour jelly candy sold in individual bags of 120 grams sold in bulk in a box of 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Délir Pik


    Haribo's tangy jelly candy mix sold in individual 120 gram bags sold in bulk cartons containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Dragibus


    Classic Dragibus, Haribo's sugared sweets in individual 120-gram bags - Also available in Dragibus Soft (large model) - sold in large packs of 30 in a box

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Dragibus Soft


    Dragibus Soft, Haribo's sugar-coated sweets in individual 120 gram bags sold in large packs containing 30 units - Dragibus Soft is the large version of dragibus.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr fried egg


    Bag of Candy Gélifié Oeuf au Plat - Sold in large packaging in a box containing 30 bags of 120 gr.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Happy Cola


    Bottle of Haribo smooth jelly Cola sold in individual bags of 120 grams sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Happy Cola Pik


    Bottle of Haribo sour jelly Cola sold in individual bags of 120 grams - sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Happy Life


    A blend of the finest smooth jelly sweets - Sold in bulk in a box containing 30 x 120g bags.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Hari Croco


    Multicoloured Crocodile gummy candy in individual 120 gram bags sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Miami Pik


    Mini Multicoloured Strip of sour gummy candy in individual 120 gram bags sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Orangina Pik


    The bottle of Orangina jelly candy sold in an individual 120 gram bag sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Peaches


    Peach sour jelly in individual 120 gram bags - sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Polka


    Haribo's smooth jelly candy mix in individual 120 gram bags sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Rainbow Pik


    Haribo Multicoloured sour jelly stick sold in individual bags of 120 grams sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Rotella Haribo - 1
    Stock Bas

    Haribo bag 120 gr Rotella


    Bag of Rotella Liquorice wrapped candy - sold in bulk in a box containing 30 bags of 120 gr - sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units

    Ideal for bakery sales

    Last items in stock
  • Haribo bag 120 gr Smurfs


    Smurf, the benchmark in jelly sweets from Haribo in individual 120-gram bags - sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 30 units.



  • Haribo bag 120 gr Smurfs Pik


    PIK version of Smurf, Haribo's benchmark jelly candy, in a tangy version, in individual 120-gram bags sold in large cartons containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Super Frite


    Tart jelly Chips in individual 120-gram bags sold in bulk cartons containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr Tagada


    Tagada, the Strawberry aerated jelly candy in individual 120-gram bags - sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 30 units.

    Size of a Tagada strawberry: 2 cm

  • Haribo Bag 120 gr Teddy Bear


    Haribo's Multicoloured Smooth Gummy Bear sold in individual bags of 120 grams - sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units

    Also known as Gold Bear or Goldbear

  • Haribo bag 120 gr World Mix


    Candy mix in individual smooth jelly bags - Sold in bulk packaging in a box containing 30 bags of 120 gr.

  • Haribo bag 30 gr Tagada


    Classic Strawberry Tagada bags (small model) - Sold in large packs in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Carensac


    Les petits bags of Carensac (or Car en Sac), the famous liquorice candy - Sold in bulk packaging in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Croco Pik


    Little bags of Crocodile sour jelly made by Haribo - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 30 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Dragibus


    Small bags of classic Dragibus (small model) - Sold in large packs in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Happy Cola


    Small jelly cola bottle bags made by Haribo - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Happy Life


    Happy Life little bags, a range of Haribo classics, in small format: Cola, Smurf, Dragibus, Heart, Croco and Tetine - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Happy Life Bulk

    €94.50 €80.33

    Mini 40-gram sachet of Happy Life in carton of 210 pieces. Each bag contains around 10 sweets.

    Unperforated mini bag

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Hari Croco


    Classic Croco Hari bags (small model) - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Miami Pik


    Little bags of Mini Rainbow Stripe jelly candy made by Haribo - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Miami Pik Bulk Haribo - 2 -15%
    • -15%
    • New product
    Stock Bas

    Haribo bag 40 gr Miami Pik Bulk

    €105.00 €89.25

    Mini bag of 40 grams Haribo Miami Pik in big box of 240 pieces. Each bag contains around 10 sweets.

    Unperforated mini bag

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Orangina Pik


    Small bags of Orangina jelly candy manufactured by Haribo - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Rainbow Pik Haribo - 1

    Haribo bag 40 gr Rainbow Pik


    Little bags of mini-tubes filled with tangy jelly candy: a rainbow of fruity colours! made by Haribo - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Smurfs


    Small 40g bags of Smurfs with multicoloured heads - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.
    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Smurfs Pik


    Small bags of Smurfs' heads in sour jelly made by Haribo - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 30 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr Super Frite Pik


    Small 40g bags of sour jelly Frites manufactured by Haribo - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo bag 40 gr teddy bear


    Ourson d'Or (Goldbear) little bags, the classic little teddy bear (small model) - Sold in large packs in a presentation box of 30 bags or in a complete box of 8 x 30 pcs.

    The bags are perforated and can be hung on pins.

  • Haribo Bag 75 gr Chamallow Choco Haribo - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Haribo Bag 75 gr Chamallow Choco


    Milk chocolate covered marshmallow in 75g bags! The confectionery ofHaribo made with marshmallows coated in delicious milk chocolate sold in large packs of 24 x 75 gr.

    Use-by date: October 2023

    Out of Stock
  • Haribo bag 90 gr Straw Pik


    Multicoloured straw in jelly candy from Haribo sold in individual bags of 90 grams - sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units

  • Haribo Bulk Jelly Bag 10 + 4 Free Haribo - 1 -€33.90
    • -€33.90
    • Out of Stock

    Haribo Bulk Jelly Bag 10 + 4 Free

    €167.80 €133.90

    HARIBO BOXES - Pack of 14 bags of jelly beans HARIBO of which 4 are donated: 10 paid bags + 4 free bags!

    Net weight of batch 23.5 kg, including 4.5 kg free of charge

    This pack includes Smurfs, Smurfs Pik, Fraizibus, Dragibus Soft, Rainbow pik, Miami Pik, Oeuf au plat, Croco, Happy Cola, Dragibus original, Tagada Pink, Tagada, Love pik, Cocobat.

    Items marked "Free" or "Free" cannot be exchanged, returned or refunded. They are therefore not guaranteed if they arrive broken or damaged. (see GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS)

    Non-contractual photos

    Out of Stock
  • Haribo Flanbotti


    Haribo's gummy caramel flan, the great classic that's been copied but never equalled! Sold in bulk in a bin of 210 pcs

  • Haribo Fraizibus

    €9.00 €8.10

    The famous red, green and black fruit-flavoured candy (Fraisibus Haribo) - Sold in a bin of of 300 pcs.

  • Haribo Fruit & Cola Wheels x 90

    €21.00 €18.90

    This package contains 1 tubo of 45 Fruit Rollers and 1 tubo of 45 Cola Rollers. HARIBO. Each wheel contains 10 Tendres sweets. Assorted flavours: cherry, apple, raspberry, lemon, pineapple or cola.


  • Haribo Girondo marshmallow Haribo - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Haribo Girondo marshmallow


    Individually wrapped pink, white and yellow Chamallow twists (14 cm) sold in packs of 300 loose pieces.

    The perfect confection for children's birthday parties or the ideal accompaniment to a meal Girondo Chamallows

    Out of Stock
  • Haribo Mao Croqui Fruit


    Soft candy with an acidic centre and the delicious flavours of strawberry, raspberry, orange, apple and raspberry. lemon - Sold in bulk packaging in a tubo of 220 pcs or in a full box of 8 x 220 pcs

    Formerly known as Félé Fruit or Kracher Maoam

  • Haribo Mega Roulette Cola


    Mega Roulette - 20-piece roll of cola-flavoured soft jelly candies - Sold in bulk in a display case of 40 roulettes

  • Haribo Mega Roulette package 5 + 1


    Mega Roulette package 5 + 1 : 3 Mega Roulette Fruits + 2 Mega Roulette Fizz + 1 Mega Roulette Cola - Gelled soft candies with fruity, sour and cola taste in rolls of 20 pieces - Sold in bulk in a package of 240 roulettes.

    Out of Stock
  • Haribo Mega Sour Roulette


    Mega Roulette - Tender jelly sweets with a tangy taste in rolls of 20 pieces - Sold in bulk in a display case of 40 roulettes

0 €0.00 HT