Here you will find our catalogue of packaged chocolates such as Mars and Snickers, as well as the classics gummy bears or the classics of lhe confiserie foraine such as the caramel mice from Confiserie du Nord, or the Crick hedgehogs.
Some products are not available in summer.
There are 23 products.
100g bag of Milk Koala Marshmallow - Coated with Milk Chocolate (30%) - Sold in bulk pack of 12 x 100g bags.
The famous dark chocolate rocher (net weight 35 gr) covered in hazelnut chips, with a melting praline heart ! Sold in bulk in a display box of 24 rochers or in a complete box of...
The perfect combination of chocolate and coconut! The most exotic of chocolate bars - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 24 bars.
The authentic Little Bear Cémoi Made of Marshmallow - Coated with Milk Chocolate (30%) - Individually wrapped Contains 1.016 kg or approximately 80 pieces
Sold in bulk packaging in a tubo containing 80 pcs or in a complete box 4 x 80 pcs
The Chocolate Hedgehog from CEMOI ! The chocolate ball, covered in cereal and filled with Marshmallow and Caramel
Marketing of this confectionery may be suspended during the summer period due to its poor resistance to high temperatures.
Fillet of milk chocolate coins (approx. 8 coins per fillet) sold in bulk in a pirate's chest display case.
HAMLET - Milk chocolate coins of 1€, 2€ and 50 cts coated with a golden shell - 3 different sizes - approximately 250 coins - Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg tubo or in a complete box of 12 tubos.
Hamlet's little chocolate-coloured dragee (or lentil) in a large 10 kg box. This confection is identical to the famous Smarties, but with a better taste. Gluten-free. 5.5% VAT
This product is intended for resale by weight, for candy bars or for decorating candy cakes.
The real Dark Chocolate Teddy Bear, the famous soft marshmallow confection coated in dark chocolate. Large size.
Sales suspended during the summer (the product does not transport well in the heat).
Large display in the shape of a 300 g pirate's safe Milk chocolate coin filet (100 g)
Ideal for organizing a treasure hunt with the kids.
This pirate 's chest measures 1.5 m high when opened, perfect for bringing your treasure hunt to life.
Strawberry jelly beans covered in chocolate and coloured icing. The softest texture of all! Sold in bulk in a display of 20 x 80g bags.
Milk chocolate covered marshmallow in 75g bags! The confectionery ofHaribo made with marshmallows coated in delicious milk chocolate sold in large packs of 24 x 75 gr.
Use-by date: October 2023
A sweet English confection with a smooth, creamy texture, made with butter, sugar and milk.
Sold in bulk in a 2 kg tubo (around 150 pieces) or in a full box of 8 x 2 kg.
M&M'S Peanut - Wholesale packing 36 x 45 gr bag/display
Maltesers - Crunchy Malt shortbread ball topped with milk chocolate - Sold in bulk in a display box containing 25 x 37 gr.
Mars 51g caramel chocolate bar in bulk packaging in a display of 40 pieces Discover the emblematic taste of Mars caramel chocolate bars in a format ideal for pros! Perfect for retailers, events, etc. For retailers and pros alike, the Mars 51g wholesale caramel chocolate bar is a sure-fire winner, guaranteeing satisfaction and pleasure at every break!
Assortiment top 5 Chocolats - 53 assorted chocolate bars - Sold in bulk in a display box containing 53 pcs
This display contains :
- Snickers 12 x 50 gr
- Twix 12 x 50 gr
- M&M's peanut 12 x 45 gr
- Mars 12 x 51 gr
- Bounty Milk 5 x 57 gr
The famous sweet (net weight 7g) made from a delicious blend of caramel and chocolate! Also known as MI-CHO-KO - Sold in large packs in 1 kg bags (approx. 140 pieces) or in full boxes of 8 x 1 kg.
5.5% VAT
The real Milk Chocolate Teddy Bear, the chocolate confection filled with soft marshmallow. Large model.
Other name: Koala Lait XL
Sales suspended during the summer (the product does not travel well in the heat).
Breadsticks to dip in in a creamy hazelnut spread - In wholesale packing x 24 pcs
The famous milk chocolate rocher (net weight 35 gr) covered with hazelnut chips, with a melting praline heart! Sold in bulk in a display box of 24 rochers, or in a complete box of ...
Box of 40 chocolate bars Snickers - Very thick chocolate bar with caramel and peanut filling - Sold in large packs in a presentation box containing 40 bars of 50 g each.
On a biscuit base, the Twix caramel is coated with chocolate - Sold in boxes of 32 bags of 2 pieces.