Pack & Batch

You can find our candy offers in parcels or batches in this section.

Take advantage of exceptional discounts or free gifts when you buy sets of confectionery.

Packages with or without display, in tubs or loose, find all our packs and packages of sweets and confectionery here. You can also buy our sweets in cartons in the full catalogue.

There are 44 products.



No choice available on this group

Showing 43-44 of 44 item(s)
  • Yeti Gel 100 L Freezer Kit Divers - 2 -20%
    • -20%

    Yeti Gel 100 L Freezer Kit

    €1,006.00 €804.80

    100 L Yetigel freezer cabinet kit + assortment of 4 100-ml Yeti Geant water ice cartons (i.e. 480 units)

    Potential sales = 480 x 2 € = 960 €

    Sell it all, your freezer pack is free ! (with discount)

    This kit contains :

    • 4 x 120 Yeti Géant 100 ml (value 252 €) - PVC: 2 €
    • 4 x 30 cola, 4 x 30 tropical, 4 x 30 mint, 4 x 30 raspberry
    • 100 L freezer cabinet
    • 1 counter easel
    • 1 A3 poster
    • 1 sidewalk stop
    • 1 scissors

    Total value of kit 1006 €

    75 € mandatory shipping charge for Yetigel warehouse

  • Yeti Gel 45 L Freezer Kit Divers - 1 -15%
    • -15%
    Stock Bas

    Yeti Gel 45 L Freezer Kit

    €906.00 €770.10

    45 L Yetigel freezer cabinet kit + assortment of 4 100-ml Yeti Geant water ice cartons (i.e. 480 units)

    Potential sales = 480 x 2 € = 960 €

    Sell it all, your freezer pack is free ! (with discount)

    This kit contains :

    • 4 x 120 Yeti Géant 100 ml (value 252 €) - PVC: 2 €
    • 4 x 30 cola, 4 x 30 tropical, 4 x 30 mint, 4 x 30 raspberry
    • 45 L freezer cabinet
    • 1 counter easel
    • 1 A3 poster
    • 1 sidewalk stop
    • 1 scissors

    Total value of kit 906 €

    75 € mandatory shipping charge for Yetigel warehouse

0 €0.00 HT