The first jelly sweets were as smooth as worms! Nowadays, they're still just as popular with those who still want a sweet, soft candy without giving in to the trend for stinging sweets.
We offer you the most sought-after products made by leading manufacturers such as Haribo, Lutti, Fini or Trolli. Some of their products, such as Bubblizz the Joubini or the Sour Smurf have become benchmarks that must be offered to your customers. Others are truly original and impossible to find elsewhere, such as the chillies de Fini that really sting or carrots with the real taste of a vegetable that makes you love them!
Take advantage of an exceptional rate offered by cheapest candy wholesaler.
There are 213 products.
Wild Strawberry smooth jelly - Sold in large bags of 1 kg or in boxes of 12 x 1 kg
The acid jelly candy in the shape of an earthworm in all colours and flavours. To order in wholesale and semi-wholesale in 1kg bags or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.
Also known as: Jelly Worms or Gusano Brillo
The maxi Dolphin candy by Vidal! Ideal confectionery for sale by weight - Sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a box of 6 x 2 kg.