
  • Apple Fini Golf Ball


    Marshmallow Golf Ball (marshmallow or marshmallow) of Fini, Apple flavour. Sold in bulk in a 1 kg bag (around 130 pcs) or in a full box of 8 x 1 kg.

  • Assorted sugared fruits


    Multicoloured fruit-shaped sweets made by Dolciaria, the Italian confectioner. These sugar and dextrose-based sweets range in size from 1 cm (for oranges, melons or apples, for example) to 3.5 cm for bananas or watermelons - sold in bulk in a 2 kg bag or in a complete box of 3 x 2 kg.

  • Bag Lutti Koala bear Marshmallow 100 Gr Cémoi - 2

    Bag Lutti Koala bear Marshmallow 100 Gr


    100g bag of Milk Koala Marshmallow - Coated with Milk Chocolate (30%) - Sold in bulk pack of 12 x 100g bags.

  • Balisto Honey Almond Bar Mars inc - 1
    • New product
    Stock Bas

    Balisto Honey Almond Bar


    Wholemeal chocolate biscuit bar, honey and almond cream, coated with milk chocolate (39%) sold in packs of 2 bars (37 g) in a display of bags

  • Banana Fini Golf Ball


    Marshmallow Golf Ball (marshmallow or marshmallow) of Fini, banana flavour (yellow) sold in bulk in 1 kg bags or 8 x 1 kg boxes.

  • Banana Maxi Meringue 70 g


    Maxi Banana Meringue 70 grams each - The ultimate fairground confection made by Dolciaria Chirico and distributed exclusively by Bonbonrama on the net - Sold in large packs of 40 pcs.

  • Black Rocher Suchard 35 gr Carambar - 1 -15%
    • -15%
    Stock Bas

    Black Rocher Suchard 35 gr

    €17.00 €14.45

    The famous dark chocolate rocher (net weight 35 gr) covered in hazelnut chips, with a melting praline heart ! Sold in bulk in a display box of 24 rochers or in a complete box of...

    Last items in stock
  • Blue Shark Trolli


    Blue jelly candy in the shape of a shark sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Bounty 57 g Divers - 2
    • Out of Stock

    Bounty 57 g


    The perfect combination of chocolate and coconut! The most exotic of chocolate bars - Sold in bulk in a presentation box of 24 bars.

    Out of Stock
  • Caramel Chocolate Palet


    Dupont d'Isigny - The famous chocolate caramel confectionery in individually wrapped pallets - Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 200 pcs or in a complete box of 6 x 200 pcs

  • Cémoi Marshmallow Bear Cémoi - 1

    Cémoi Marshmallow Bear


    The authentic Little Bear Cémoi Made of Marshmallow - Coated with Milk Chocolate (30%) - Individually wrapped Contains 1.016 kg or approximately 80 pieces

    Sold in bulk packaging in a tubo containing 80 pcs or in a complete box 4 x 80 pcs

  • Cémoi Marshmallow Hedgehog Crick


    The Chocolate Hedgehog from CEMOI ! The chocolate ball, covered in cereal and filled with Marshmallow and Caramel

    Marketing of this confectionery may be suspended during the summer period due to its poor resistance to high temperatures.

  • Choco Money Pirate Safe Fizzy - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Choco Money Pirate Safe


    Fillet of milk chocolate coins (approx. 8 coins per fillet) sold in bulk in a pirate's chest display case.

    Out of Stock
  • Chocolate Coin Hamlet - 3

    Chocolate Coin


    HAMLET - Milk chocolate coins of 1€, 2€ and 50 cts coated with a golden shell - 3 different sizes - approximately 250 coins - Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg tubo or in a complete box of 12 tubos.

  • Chocolate dragee Hamlet - 1

    Chocolate dragee


    Hamlet's little chocolate-coloured dragee (or lentil) in a large 10 kg box. This confection is identical to the famous Smarties, but with a better taste. Gluten-free. 5.5% VAT

    This product is intended for resale by weight, for candy bars or for decorating candy cakes.

  • Dark Chocolate Marshmallow Bear Lutti Lutti - 2

    Dark Chocolate Marshmallow Bear Lutti


    The real Dark Chocolate Teddy Bear, the famous soft marshmallow confection coated in dark chocolate. Large size.

    Sales suspended during the summer (the product does not transport well in the heat).

  • Display Box Pirate Safe Choco Money Fizzy - 1
    Stock Bas

    Display Box Pirate Safe Choco Money


    Large display in the shape of a 300 g pirate's safe Milk chocolate coin filet (100 g)

    Ideal for organizing a treasure hunt with the kids.

    This pirate 's chest measures 1.5 m high when opened, perfect for bringing your treasure hunt to life.

    Last items in stock
  • Dolphin Splash Brabo - 1
    Funny Candy

    Dolphin Splash


    Dolphin-shaped jelly candy for dipping in gel. Taste: Strawberry and blackberry candies and blackberry gel - Sold in bulk packaging in a 12 pcs display box or in a complete box of 12 x 12 pcs.

  • Fancy Bag 80 gr Fruit


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory jelly fruit for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Fried Egg The Gommy's Factory - 1
    Stock Bas

    Fancy Bag 90 gr Mini Fried Egg


    15 80-gram bags of The Gommy's Factory sugar-coated gummy fried eggs for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Finitronc Rolled Marshmallow Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 80 gr Finitronc Rolled Marshmallow


    12 80-gram bags of Fini brand multicoloured cylindrical marshmallow candy for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    Halal certification

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Mellows Party


    12 Bags of 80 grams of the brand's spiral marshmallow mix and bi-coloured heart marshmallow mix Fini - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

  • Fini Bag 80 gr Mellows Sweet Popcorn


    12 Bags of 80 grams of Mellows Sweet Pop corn Fini Marshmallow - For resale by the piece

    Can be hung on a hook display.

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Out of Stock
  • Fini Bag 80 gr Xoco Gang Beans Fini Sanchez Cano - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Fini Bag 80 gr Xoco Gang Beans


    Strawberry jelly beans covered in chocolate and coloured icing. The softest texture of all! Sold in bulk in a display of 20 x 80g bags.

    Out of Stock
  • Fini Bag 85 gr Jelly Beans


    Fini coloured jelly beans. Multi-coloured jelly beans. Sold in bulk in a small box containing 12 bags of 85 gr.

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Assorted Shark Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Assorted Shark


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand coloured jelly sharks for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    This range of Fini confectionery is ideal for cinemas, grocery shops, petrol stations and funfairs.

    Halal certified

  • Fini Bag 90 gr Fried Egg Fini Sanchez Cano - 2

    Fini Bag 90 gr Fried Egg


    12 90-gram bags of Fini brand gelled fried egg for resale by the piece.

    Can be hung on a hook display stand

    Halal certified

  • Fini Box Dino Eggs Gum


    Wrapped, tsour chewing gum with liquid coloring in the center in the shape of a dino egg - Bubble Gum flavor - Sold in bulk in displays of 200 pieces or in carton of 6 x 200 pcs.

  • Finitronc Flowers Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Flowers Marshmallow Fini


    Multicoloured marshmallow flower bag - Sold in bulk bags of 125 pcs or in a complete box of 8 x 125 pcs

    Ideal for Christmas and birthday parties

  • Finitronc Target Marshmallow Fini Fini Sanchez Cano - 1

    Finitronc Target Marshmallow Fini


    Multicoloured rolled marshmallow target sweets (marshmallow or marshmallow) de Fini

    Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a full box of 8 x 1 kg.

  • Fried egg Halal Jake - 1

    Fried egg Halal


    Smooth gummy fried egg candies. Sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a complete box of 12 x 1 kg.

  • Fried Egg Haribo

    €8.80 €7.04

    Melt in your mouth, the famous HARIBO fried egg has been a family favourite for generations! Sold in bulk in a bin of 210 HARIBO fried egg sweets.

  • Fried Egg Haribo


    The unique and legendary fried egg, with a double texture and taste that make it one of HARIBO's greatest classics! Sold in bulk in a 1.5 kg bag or in a complete box of 8 x 1.5 kg.

  • Fried Egg Trolli


    Fried egg in jelly, the great classic of jelly sweets sold in large packs of 1 kg or in a complete box of 6 x 1 kg.

  • Fruits Candy Box Welcome Family - 1
    Stock Bas

    Fruits Candy Box


    Cardboard box sold folded, in packs of 50, very colorful with fruits to color - Ideal as a surprise box or Lunch Box for children's menus.

    Sold without sweets

    Last items in stock
  • Haribo bag 100 gr Chamallow Haribo - 1

    Haribo bag 100 gr Chamallow


    Cylinder of pink and white marshmallows in a pack of 30 individual 100g bags sold in bulk in a box containing 30 units.

  • Haribo bag 120 gr fried egg


    Bag of Candy Gélifié Oeuf au Plat - Sold in large packaging in a box containing 30 bags of 120 gr.

  • Haribo Bag 75 gr Chamallow Choco Haribo - 1
    • Out of Stock

    Haribo Bag 75 gr Chamallow Choco


    Milk chocolate covered marshmallow in 75g bags! The confectionery ofHaribo made with marshmallows coated in delicious milk chocolate sold in large packs of 24 x 75 gr.

    Use-by date: October 2023

    Out of Stock
  • Haribo Mini Marshmallows Haribo - 1

    Haribo Mini Marshmallows


    Mini pink and white marshmallow sweets for decorating and topping desserts and ice creams - Sold in bulk in 1 kg bags or in full cartons of 8 x 1 kg.

  • Jelly Babies Sweet Vidal


    Fruit jelly candy in the shape of a multicolored baby, sold in bulk packaging in a 1 kg bag or in a box of 6 x 1 kg

    Perfect for christmas

  • Jelly Bean Bag 113 gr  - 1
    Stock Bas

    Jelly Bean Bag 113 gr


    Bag of the famous American Jelly Bean Mix of 36 flavours in a 113g bag - Sold in bulk in a display of 12 bags of 113g.

    Last items in stock
  • Jelly Bean Sonic Prime bag 20 gr


    Bag of the famous American Jelly Bean Mix of 36 flavours in a resealable 28g bag - Sold in bulk in a display of 20 bags of 28g.

0 €0.00 HT